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Success Advice

How to Manifest Anything in 5 Easy Steps




Are you struggling to achieve success? Find it difficult to manifest your dreams? Or reach the goals you have put in place?

You may be experiencing roadblocks or you’re limiting beliefs may have taken you over. It’s common for people who want to get ahead in life experience such set-backs, failures and disappointment it’s part of the journey and there are lessons to learned, however you can use these simple manifesting techniques to help you begin to see your goals manifest quicker.

Use this blog post as a mini course into manifesting your success and dreams – get your pen and paper ready.

The Journey begins here:


5 Steps To Manifest Your Destiny


STEP 1 – What do you really want?

Being specific is key, when you have in mind exactly what you want, write it down.

  • So, you can write this as a list or in sentences for everything you wish to have accomplished or acquired over the next 12 months
  • New home, new lover, new car, clients, more money, better relationships, write a book, run a marathon, growth in business – for each area of your choice be specific for example…

“By {insert date 12 months from now} I am now earning $10,000 per month online providing services for clients I love working with who hire me as a coach and buy my products that help them overcome {Insert problem}

Knowing exactly what you want begins the creation process and writing it down makes it even more powerful as research has shown that you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down following studies at Dominican University, California.


STEP 2 – Visualize

Spend as little as 5 minutes twice a day visualizing how you want your life to look, picture yourself having the success you want. Use your emotions into your visualizations and answer these questions:

  • What are you doing?
  • How do you feel?
  • Who is around you?
  • Are you happy?
  • Smiling/laughing?

Be in the moment with this and while you are visualizing don’t give any thought as to HOW this new life will happen.

“When you visualize you materialize” ~ Denis Waitley



This is the most important step.

If you don’t take action nothing will happen. What are the steps you need to take? You may even require some a lot of faith at this point, however consistency is key. Take things one step at a time and be certain the things you require for your goals will show up…. Or will they? That depends on you!

There’s always the next step it’s up to you to put one foot forward then the next. Put the required activities on your calendar, set reminders there’s no excuse to miss something with today’s technology put it to good use!

(Below is my current screensaver a reminder for taking action)

the way appears manifest picture quote


STEP 4 – Gratitude

Gratitude can keep you from focusing on the negative, which will in turn manifest negative situations into your life, because of where you put your focus. Be grateful for even the little things, which will result in great things happening for you.

“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” ~ Brian Tracy


STEP 5 – Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs will keep you from getting far and manifesting what you truly want, Lets say you have a desire to want to help other people in the world but really, you don’t believe you can, this counter belief will stifle your growth and it will be a struggle to do the things you really want. This step is also crucial when it comes to STEP 1. I would love you to have BIG goals but when choosing what you want it’s also important to be realistic. Ask if your goal is attainable. If yes then HOW?

Here’s how to overcome limiting beliefs

Write down one of your goals. When yo think about achieving this what are the negative thoughts that come to mind?

Are those thoughts true?

They are probably not true.

Now write a mantra for WHY you will accomplish your goal:

So for example if your goal is to help people all over the world through entrepreneurship – your mantra might be “my goal is to help people all over the world

Every time one of those limiting beliefs arise kill it with your mantra. Good practice would be to focus on your mantra daily for at least 1 minute.

Manifest Picture Quote



Manifesting anything really depends on your willingness to take action, all the other steps will accelerate the process. So once you’ve figured out what you really really want, visualize it, take ACTION, be grateful for EVERYTHING and conquer your limiting beliefs.

I know you can do this!


Get involved and leave me your thoughts below in the comments section.

What techniques do you use to manifest your success and dreams?


Feature Image By: Hareddy Sai Kiran



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