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Success Advice

How to Acquire Like-minded People in Your Network and Increase Your Chances of Success



like minded people

Do you remember your last get-together with your friends? How did that feel like? Naturally, we should want to hang out with our friends more and more because they help us grow and bring out the best in us.

The obvious truth is that most people say they want to be successful but don’t do anything about it. What’s worse is that the ones who they surround themselves with get affected and it impacts their mindset. When you’re around people who want to succeed, the atmosphere is different. You feel energized, inspired, and the conversations you hear aren’t the typical ones involving endless gossip and mundane activities that don’t bring anyone closer to achieving their dreams.

It’s easy to identify who we want in our circle. The hard part is knowing where to find them. If you find yourself struggling with looking for like-minded people, or want to expand your current network, you can use the tips below:

1. Take advantage of social media

As someone who is involved in entrepreneurship, it can be very lonely at times. When I was starting out, I didn’t know a lot of people in the same stage as I was. After weeks of contemplation, I just realized that everything I was looking for could be accessed on my fingertips. With my different social media platforms and the use of Google, I slowly got the hang of it and knew what to search. Social media is free and if you use it right, it could lead you to groups you never knew existed and needed!

Take note, your connections don’t always have to be in the physical world. Digital connections are just as valuable as personal ones. Plus, low-cost airlines are just around the corner so there’s always that possibility of meeting in person! Don’t limit yourself to physical connections because you never know if the next opportunity might be from a virtual one.

I have joined multiple Facebook groups where we share the same interests. It lifts your soul and boosts your mood when you know you’re not going through your success journey alone. It also gives room for constructive criticism so you know where to improve, but for me the fun part about it was knowing new people and learning about their experiences. Everybody has a story to tell, and we can absorb pieces of valuable information applicable to our lives. Gaining knowledge about new cultures is interesting too!

“You can either allow social media to be helpful for you or it can be harmful. I like to let it be helpful.” – Ciara

2. Research on their watering holes and frequent them

Some of the things I’m passionate about are public speaking, travel, and self-improvement. To progress in these areas, I would want to be around public speakers, travelers and people seeking to improve themselves. Although I’m already part of digital groups for this, I also need physical connections so that there’s a balance.

There are apps I downloaded enabling me to meetup with people I have things in common with. It could be meetup group apps or event search apps to find the latest events in your area based on what you’re looking for.

For example, if you want to be fit, you can get a gym membership and you can expect everyone around you has the same goal. If you want to be a better public speaker, you can check out where your local toastmasters club hangs out. If you want to join broadway, go ahead and sign up for the auditions at the nearby theatre.

3. Continuously improve yourself

Likes attract likes. Don’t focus too much on networking that you neglect your personal growth. Be yourself when you meet new people and tell them about what you’re going through. Your vibe attracts your tribe.

Recall the time when you met your first few friends when you started school or on your first day of work. You became friends because of something you both liked, so there was an instant pull between you and them. Constantly improving yourself will bring out the best in you and make you a more interesting person. Go out, be better everyday and the right people will come to you too.

“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” – Bill Gates

There are over seven billion people in this world. It might be overwhelming to find a group that resonates with your being but don’t fret because that’s only the start. You will find them eventually as it just takes a little effort on your part.

Have you taken the time to take inventory on your friends? Are they people who are bringing you down or elevating you? Comment below and let us know!

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Nicah Caramba is an entrepreneur who is passionate about public speaking and travel. Aside from chasing the next adventure, she is constantly looking for ways to help people communicate their ideas better in her blog! Sign up for her FREE Minimal Fear Course!

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