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Success Advice

7 Ridiculous Ideas That Are Holding You Back From Being Your Best



Motivation success
Joel Brown

In other words, you’re making up a bunch of excuses. As such, your full potential cannot be realized.

It’s quite a wonder eh? The things that go through in our head.

I know it can be tough when it comes to getting out of your comfort zone, breaking through your fears or “faking it till your make it”, but have you stopped to listen to yourself before?

You may be surprised how much you exaggerate everything.


Here’s 7 ridiculous ideas that are holding you back from being your best


1) “People will laugh at me”

We all fall victim to this, thinking that people will laugh at us if we make a mistake.

They won’t.

Well they might, but only a little. They will forget after that. Think about it, even the weirdest news that go viral are forgotten as fast as they came about.

So don’t be afraid of a little embarrassment. Just go for it!


2) “I’m not good enough”

By saying this, you’re effectively striving for perfection, which does not exist.

You’ll never be good enough as long as you don’t give yourself a chance to try in the first place.

Don’t aim for perfection. Aim to be prolific. So just do it. Make all the mistakes you can. Pick yourself and grow.


3) “I’m scared”

I’m just going to say it.

If you allow fear to hold you back, then that’s ridiculous. Why? Because fear is not real. It’s only your imagination.

Does it make sense to hold back and not do what you want because of what you just made up?

mistakes are proof that you are trying


4) “If I get this one thing done, then what comes after that?”

I think we’re all guilty of this. We tend to jump the gun!

We allow the pressure to pile up as we keep thinking of the many tasks that lie ahead. As such, we lose focus completely.

Don’t do that. Focus at the task at hand only. Start small. Pretty soon, you’d have done many amazing things.


5) “I’m not like [Insert successful figure]”

Okay so you look up to that awesome person. That’s cool. Gather all the inspiration you want.

But leave it as that.

Stop thinking about how you aren’t like so and so and therefore not as capable as him or her. You’ve your own life to lead and you’re bound for a very special journey to a perfect destination.

You’re going to be great in your own way, or better even.


6) “I’m an unlucky person”

Look, luck does play a part in life, in the sense that we should give in the serendipitous nature of the universe. Sometimes you’re blessed with windfalls, but sometimes life seems to deal you a shorthand.

But you should never rely on luck alone for success.

What you need is a good attitude and the will to succeed. And you make those choices on your own. Luck has nothing to do with that.

So be it lucky or unlucky, get off your butt and make things happen.


7) “It won’t do me any good if I fail”


It won’t do you any good if you don’t try, for failure only comes when you stop trying.

And failure is your best ally when it comes to your endeavours. It is through failure where you’d learn the most.

So don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t let the idea of failure hold you back. 



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