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Success Advice

5 Ways to Ensure Success & How to Push Yourself to Get There



5 Ways to Ensure Success & How to Push Yourself to Get There

There are a few specific things that you can do, which have high probability and high chance for success. The reason I say this, is that there are no guarantees in life. This includes your success and happiness. The cold, hard reality is that most people will never get rich, and many others will never actually be financially free.

That being said, I would like to point out that your self-belief, success mindset and work ethic all play an enormous role in increasing your odds. If you’re on the path of success and working daily towards your goals, you still could be doing the right things and not succeed.

The way to overcome this is to continue on the path you know you should be persevering with. Ride the right horse in the right way for long enough and you will win.

Use these five tips to stay consistent, hungry and motivated to achieve whatever you want in your life:


1. You MUST have an end goal clearly defined

The reason this tip is first and foremost is because it’s most important. It can be compared to a ship having a destination port when setting out at sea. As Earl Nightingale says, “The ship that leaves the harbor headed for an exact destination will reach it 99 times out of 100.” If you have no idea where you’re going, how can you effectively get there?

First, find something the world needs, and decide how you will create it. Second, figure out exactly where you want to take it. Plan to the end. The clearer the better! With the end already in mind at the beginning, you will hop out of bed without wanting to hit snooze. There are not enough hours in the day to do all that you want to do, and you don’t have to push yourself from behind anymore.

“Success leaves clues.” – Tony Robbins

2. Consistency will create conviction; hustle daily

If you’re not doing at least something to further your goals and creations everyday, you might as well stop now. Don’t let the get-rich quick schemes fool you. You will need to work an enormous amount to get things up and running and you must do it consistently.

The effect that consistency has on creation is what allows your efforts to compound. By chipping away at a marble slab, day in and day out, eventually you will be able to step back and have a David. Your “David” could be passive income streams, highly influential networks, authority on the net, and much more that you might want.


3. Constantly up your circle of winners

If your inner circle is full of less than successful people, change it. Otherwise, you will only reach the same heights they do. This is because you actually become the people you hang around. How? Your thoughts, actions, conversations and habits all develop from what similar people around you are doing.

If your five closest friends only like to party, hang out, and play video games, you will be the sixth. However, if your five closest friends are all on the grind, going after what they want in life, and not settling for anything, then you will be the sixth. Look around. The people closest to you should indicate who you are and where you’re heading. Not settling for anything in life is important.


4. Set high goals and do not deviate

Plans and goals often switch up a bit as you take different paths, however the magnitude and height of your goal should not be lowered due to your impatience for achieving it. When the end goal remains unchanged, your plans and routes for getting there can vary.

That’s okay as long as you stick to the same general industry. If you don’t, you’ll have to start back at square one. When setting goals for yourself, you will want to be ambitious with them and set them far out enough that you have a ways to go, but not so far from where you currently are that you don’t believe it is possible.

“You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar

5. Start from where you are & build the foundation

When starting up something new, you will have to hustle the hardest before you see any significant results. You will likely go unnoticed for a time, not be visible in the market, and may be even tempted to quit.You’ve got to start where you find yourself and do whatever it takes to progress. Even if this progress is slow in the beginning, you will build off the back of it for the rest of your venture. Most of success is not linear after you’ve gotten the ball rolling enough.

Rather, it is exponential. When you’re first starting, the burden is always the heaviest. Picture a roller coaster and its progress up the track. When it’s hiking up, all the weight is working against it and it has zero momentum. As soon as it hits the peak, (when the temptation for you to quit is most intense) it is moments away from the point of highest velocity. As soon as the tipping point is reached, it rages downwards with enormous force and nothing can stop it.


Use these five tips to conquer any goal you set for yourself. With them you can dive into deeper habits that are showcased by these five facets of success. Do your own research, put in your own work, and find out what cuts your learning curve down the most.

Which one of these tips are you struggling with the most? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below!

Evan is a young location-independent entrepreneur seeking to uplift and inspire the full potential in people. He left college halfway through, moved to Thailand, and started his first online business in 2014. Now he travels around and works online to motivate entrepreneurs in their individual movements. Check out more at Motive in Motion!



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