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Success Advice

3 Ways To Maximize Your Life & Riches – Tai Lopez



Joel Brown Interviews Multi-Millionaire Investor and Entrepreneur “Tai Lopez” to discuss Why Self Development is so damn important when it comes to living a well rounded life of success.

Tai Lopez was a self made millionaire in his 20’s and he loves sharing the knowledge he has learned through many years of building and acquiring businesses, working with the Amish and reading over 5,000 highly rated books.

Tai Lopez Advice for Achieving Success

3 Key Takeaways from this interview with Tai


1. You MUST know yourself

American Management consultant, educator and author Peter Drucker said:

“Most people think they know what they are good at, but most people are wrong”.

They also think they know their weaknesses but in most cases they don’t even know their weaknesses either.

You can only build on strengths. Work on finding out more about yourself so you can discover your true strengths.


2. Once you know yourself, you need to translate that into creating “The Good Life

Nietzsche the philosopher said:

“The mind is like an inaccessible fortress. “

So you have to penetrate the fortress of your mind, it’s not enough to just go:

I want to be an Entrepreneur

I want to make money

I want a Lamborghini

It’s just not enough. “I remember sleeping on a couch with $47 in my bank account in a mobile home in North Carolina and now, where I am, people think the Lamborghini I drive is about materialism. I am more materialistic about my huge collection of books.

Lamborghini’s are an RRD Investment, Rust, Rot and Depreciate, but I keep that Lamborghini in my garage because it’s a reminder of the reward of #1, “Knowing Yourself“.

So to penetrate the fortress of your mind, reaps big rewards in what I call “The Good Life“:

Health, Wealth, Love & Happiness!

It’s not enough to just have money. It’s not enough to just be in good shape. It’s not enough to just have love. It’s not enough to just have internal happiness. You must juggle four things at once.


3. Lead with some rewards

The reward is like the carrot that you put in front of yourself.

I keep these, what I call “Selfish Rewards“, whether it’s a Lamborghini or a nice house in the Hollywood Hills, because it reminds me that, “that reward”, will suck me along like a vacuum cleaner, like osmosis.

It’s simple, if you are trying to lose weight, then put a picture in front of you of a beautiful guy or a girl and lead yourself with the reward.

So over the years I have discovered, what you want to do is; Divide your goals into 2 areas:
1. Selfish Goals

Example of Selfish Goals: A Lamborghini, A Jet, “My selfish goal is to one day buy a basketball team.

2. Unselfish Goals

Example of Unselfish Goals: Helping the homeless, sharing knowledge, donating money.


Tai Lopez 67 Steps

Watch This Video for the full conversation with Tai Lopez

I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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