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Success Advice

13 Successful Billionaires Who Dropped Out Of College



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These college dropouts are great examples of flunkers who can achieve success against the odds. They prove that if you work hard then you can be successful no matter what. Even if you are from a not so rich family, even if you decide to leave college, if you have enough drive and focus you can make your dreams come true.

Read on for the full list of the 13 Successful Billionaires Who Dropped Out Of College.

The 13 College Dropouts Who Made More Than A Billion Dollars


Bill Gates

$56 Billion

Education: Dropped out of Harvard.

Success: Co-Founder of Microsoft, Major Philanthropist.


Larry Ellison

$39.5 Billion

Education: Dropped out of University of Illinois Champagne-Urbana.

Success: Founder of Oracle, A Major Software Enterprise company.


Sheldon Adelson

$23.3 Billion

Education: Dropped out of City College Of New York.

Success: Sheldon Adelson is the Chairman & CEO of the Las Vegas Sands Corp, the parent company of Venetian Macao Limited which operates the Venetian Resort Hotel Casino and the Sands Expo & Convention Center.


Michael Dell

$14.6 Billion

Education: Dropped out of University Of Texas, Austin.

Success: Founder of Dell Computers.


Paul Allen

$13.5 Billion

Education: Dropped out of Washington State University.

Success: Co-Founder of Microsoft, owner of Seattle Seahawks and Portland Trailblazers, Major Philanthropist.


Mark Zuckerberg

$13.5 Billion

Education: Dropped out of Harvard.

Success: Founder of Facebook. Youngest billionaire in history.


Francois Pinault

$8.7 Billion

Education: Dropped out Of Saint-Martin school, in Rennes.

Success: Owner of Converse Shoes, Samsonite Luggage. Majority shareholder of brands such as Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent and Puma.


Steve Jobs (R.I.P)

$8.3 Billion

Education: Dropped out of Reed College.

Success: Founder of Apple Inc & Pixar.


Jack C. Taylor

$7.4 Billion

Education: Dropped out of Washington University.

Success: Founder of Enterprise Rent-A-Car.


Micky Arison

$5.9 Billion

Education: Dropped out of University Of Miami.

Success: CEO of Carnival Corporation, the world’s largest cruise operator and owner of the NBA’s Miami Heat.


Ralph Lauren

$5.8 Billion

Education: Dropped out of Baruch College.

Success: Founder of Ralph Lauren Clothing.


David Geffen

$5.1 Billion

Education: Dropped out of University Of Texas, Austin.

Success: Record executive, founder of Asylum Records and one of the three founders of DreamWorks.


Ronald Wayne Burkle

$3.2 Billion

Education: Dropped out of California State Polytechnic.

Success: Supermarket magnate, Invested in Sean John (Diddy’s Clothing Line) & American Apparel.

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