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10 Things That Women Entrepreneurs Can Learn From ‘Ivanka Trump’



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Not content to ride on her father’s coattails, Ivanka Trump has actively sought out to make a name for herself in real estate and other fields. As a ruthless multi-tasker, Ivanka is the entrepreneurial equivalent of a Swiss Army Knife, turning everything she touches into a profitable business.

Only 30 years old, Ivanka Trump has covered enormous ground as a businesswoman which has helped her step out of her father’s long  shadow and that is why women entrepreneurs who want to excel in business can learn important lessons from Ivanka Trump’s success:


10 Lessons From Donald Trump’s Daughter ‘Ivanka’


#1: Don’t Take Anything For Granted

Sure, Ivanka may come from a family whose last name is practically synonymous with wealth, but she didn’t just sit back and live off her fortune. She could have lived a perfectly comfortable life thanks to her father’s success, but Ivanka chose to carve out a successful career of her own.

Instead of slacking off, Ivanka made the most of the opportunities available to her, such as graduating summa cum laude with an economics degree from the Wharton School of Business. Heirness or not, that’s not an easy feat to pull off, and this paved the way for the fruitful endeavors that she later took on.


#2: Looks Can Only Get You So Far

To paraphrase a line from the TV show “House”, we live in a world where pretty people are given stuff for just showing up. Anyone who’s seen Ivanka will tell you that she’s quite the headturner; yet the core of Ivanka’s Trumps success lies in her entrepreneurial skills.

With her looks, Ivanka could have been perfectly well-off with a full-time career as a model. But she knows that physical beauty can only take someone so far, which is why Ivanka used her razor-sharp business acumen to get to where she is now.


#3: Know The Value Of Hard Work

What’s amazing about Ivanka is that despite her affluent background, she never felt entitled to any of the collective success that her family enjoys. She fully understands that the world is not going to go out if its way to hand success on a silver platter – it needs to be earned.

When Ivanka was a boardroom judge on the business reality show “The Apprentice” with her father Donald Trump, she said the following about the contestants: “Whenever I see their breakdowns, I understand. They go virtually 24 hours a day, and each task takes about three days. Unless they win, they don’t get a day off… It’s an incredible amount of work…”


#4: Don’t Put All Your Eggs In One Basket

Based on her many accomplishments, it’s obvious that Ivanka isn’t the type to stick to just one thing, kick back and rest easy. She builds on the strength of her previous successes and actively seeks new opportunities. Staying in your comfort zone can make you complacent – like Ivanka, learn how to evolve and expand on whatever you’re doing right now.

The only way to grow is by constantly challenging yourself, and Ivanka is a perfect example of that.


#5: Don’t Be a One-Person Show

Ivanka understands the importance of collaborating with other visionaries in her field. While it’s essential to make it on your own steam, you should also share your ideas and learn from the insights of other people who are just as passionate about business as you are.

Get out there and circulate in the business scene. Just look at Ivanka’s joint ventures with other heavyweights such as Dynamic Diamond Corp. and “Apprentice” winner Sean Yazbeck’s Trump Soho Hotel-Condominium.


#6: Don’t Settle For Mediocrity

As the heiress puts it, the very word “terrifies” her. According to Ivanka, the thought of existing at the Trump Organization “in a minor capacity” is scary. Given Ivanka’s unique circumstances, she’d be damned if she lived the typical cliché of being the rich daughter who did nothing.

Like her, one should always strive to add value to whatever field they’re in. The worst thing you could do is to just skate on by and simply “get a passing mark” in the world of business. Not always being wildly successful is NOT the same thing as constantly striving to be wildly successful.


#7: Know Your Business From The Ground Up

One of the mortal sins of entrepreneurship is being an absentee owner. You may be at the top of the food chain, but you should also know how things work at the most basic level.

Real estate developer Bruce Ratner (who Ivanka worked with on Ridge Hill) once said that she “did everything…from running the numbers to a deal to negotiating with tenants…to helping lay out the space.”

A hands-on attitude helps you know your business inside-out – having this intimate knowledge will keep things afloat even during tough times.


#8: Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

Even though her family has long been in the public eye, Ivanka has never let been the type to react to negative publicity. At the end of the day, she knows who she is and accepts the reality that everyone will have varied opinions of her.

In the same way, stressing over what every person out there thinks of you is unproductive – learn how to filter out other people’s crap and don’t let it define you.


#9: Keep Your Nose Clean

It’s a tough deal, but the way you act outside of your business can still affect people’s confidence in your company. As many successful entrepreneurs like Ivanka Trump knows, any personal instability can be an indication of how your business is doing. That’s why she’s made it a point to stay classy at all times and avoid the typical scandals involving other wealthy heirs.

If you want to enjoy the respect of your subordinates and colleagues, it’s best to follow the same path. Remember, class has nothing to do with being rich.


#10: Talk The Talk

In the end, being a successful entrepreneur is all about credibility. When it comes to the business world, it’s probably the only real currency you have.

To Ivanka, having an ego and taking pride in what you do is ok unless “you’re a braggart and you’ve got nothing to show for it.” She understands that her name is on the line whenever she’s out there making buildings or closing deals.

That goes for the rest of us as well – focusing on producing concrete results fuels self-confidence and gives weight to whatever you have to say. Once you have that sorted out, you’ll win over clients and people will pay attention to you.


Article By Joel Brown |

I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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