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Success Advice

10 Ridiculous Beliefs That Are Killing Your Success



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You have big dreams!

But there are too many obstacles in your path, aren’t there?

You aren’t as ‘lucky‘ as those who have made it big.

Do you really believe that?

What if the only things holding you back from success are your limiting beliefs?

What if these ‘limitations‘ are only in your mind?

Our reality is defined by what we believe.

Some of these beliefs are useful, but others are simply shackles that hold us back.

Many of these beliefs are nothing short of ridiculous!

After all, haven’t thousands of people faced the same ‘problems‘, had the same ‘limitations‘, and yet attained outstanding success and built fortunes?


Here are 10 ridiculous beliefs that are killing your success…


1. “I don’t have enough time”

You are really busy aren’t you?

We all are!

Yet people like Sabeer Bhatia (founder Hotmail), Noah Kagan (founder AppSumo) and many others built startups while holding full time jobs.

Look closely – can’t you find time anywhere?

What activities in your life you can eliminate, outsource, or delegate?

Get rid of TV, movies, social networks, social outings, etc.

What’s more important – your dream or watching reruns of ‘Friends’?


2. “I need to wait for the perfect moment”


Every 3 out of 10 people I meet want to become an entrepreneur…someday.

Most of the time, someday never comes!

Because there is no perfect moment. You will always face challenges.

But why are you waiting for the perfect moment?

Often, it’s because of the next belief…


3. “I only have one chance”

Ever heard of a company called Traf-O-Data?

I guess not. After all, it was a failure.

But everyone has heard of Microsoft!

Here’s the surprise: Traf-O-Data was actually the first company founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen!

Numerous people have failed several times before finally attaining success.

You have multiple chances to get it right.

Never give up, even if you are like 99 years old!


4. “I don’t have enough money”

Of course you don’t! Who does?

Is the business idea you have in mind impossible without a large investment?

Just ask yourself “What business can I start with the limited money that I do have?

An easy way to make revenues with little investment is to offer services like consulting, website maintenance or maybe even ghost-write!

If you have a ‘dream business‘ in mind, you can start that after you have made enough money with your first venture.

Elon Musk, Paypal founder, now has a company that develops spacecraft – SpaceX. He didn’t have the money to build SpaceX 25 years ago.

That didn’t stop him!


5. “I don’t have an Ivy League education”

Seriously, do you think that will stop you?

An Ivy League degree helps, but is it essential?

Richard Branson was dyslexic, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were dropouts.

You don’t need a fancy education. You just need the right skills.


6. “I don’t have the right skills”

Are planning to build the next rocket to mars or develop a cure for cancer?

If not, how is this a drawback?

Most skills that you need to become a CEO or build a successful company can be learned.

Jeff Walker, one of the titans of internet marketing knew nothing about the field when he started out!

If you don’t have time to learn, team up with a co-founder or just hire people with the right skills.


7. “I don’t have connections”

If you don’t have them, what’s stopping you from going out there and building them?

Attend industry events, startup events, join a networking group or simply use Twitter or LinkedIn to build your network.

Is that really difficult in today’s digital world?


8. “I have responsibilities”

Yes, you do.

Leo Babauta, founder of Zen Habits, has six kids and he also had a full time job. That didn’t stop him from building one of the biggest blogs in the world!

Remember, ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’? It’s based on a true story. What drove Chris Gardner to succeed and make millions began with the basic need to put a roof over his son’s head.

If you have a family to take care of, isn’t that a bigger reason to work towards greater success?


9. “I don’t have enough experience”

Nearly every person you meet will tell you that you don’t have enough experience.

Richard Branson started his first venture when he was 16. If corporate experience was a key factor would his 400 companies exist today?

If you have a great idea and have the means to execute it, how is experience a limitation?


10. “I need to be perfect”

I was guilty of this myself!

I spent 6 months developing my first product, which a shamefully low number of companies bought.

Eric Ries, made a similar mistake with his first company IMVU, which inspired him to write ‘The Lean Startup’.

In this bestseller, he advises us to create a ‘minimum viable product‘ for your target customers. Develop the product further based on their feedback rather than on your assumptions.

We want things to be perfect because we are afraid of failure.

Ironically, our quest for perfection is what often causes us to fail!

 Believe that you can!

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” –Henry Ford

If you want to realize your dreams, take a good look at what you believe your limitations are. Question your beliefs and you will discover a whole new world of possibilities!


What other beliefs are holding you back from success?

Peter Banerjea is co-founder of SuccessIsWhat, a success coaching firm that helps people achieve their goals faster, by becoming productivity ninjas and building life changing habits. Get his latest free e-book "Productivity Secrets of 7 Billionaires You can put into Action Right Now" here.



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