You have already validated your product within the marketplace and achieved significant traction, and now it’s time to scale. Shifts to managerial processes and internal workflows...
Setting up a startup company is a struggle. You need to find enough funding to ensure that the company takes off along with finding the right...
Blogging isn’t what it used to be. Years ago, people started blogs to tell personal accounts of their lives detailing travel adventures or other exciting feats....
Did you wake up today hoping that today will be the day for your breakthrough? Everyday we see breakthroughs happen.The latest technology crashing into the market,...
It’s easy to focus on all the crap you hate or things that piss you off. Too much of life is spent complaining or talking about...
Our thoughts are the beginning of everything we do—or don’t do. We all know of people who are extremely wealthy, living passionately, and making an impact...
I started blogging in 2014 with the intention of using social media to inspire the world. It took me only three blog posts to have my...