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You Have To Have A Side Hustle (Like Me With My Blogging) – Here’s Why



This whole blogging thing you see me do is my side hustle.

It’s what I do when I get home from work.
It’s what I do when you’re at the pub with mates on the weekend.
It’s what I do when you’re watching House Of Cards.

Blogging is my side hustle because it’s what has transformed my life and what fills me with passion.
Blogging is my happy place and it’s how I serve the world.

Now many of you reading this have zero side hustle. You’re not passing go and collecting the $200 that comes with doing a side hustle daily. You’re missing out on everything that can come with building something for yourself.

I’m going to get to the point quickly. Here’s why you need a side hustle:

You’ll be stuck in your dead-end job forever.

Yes, what I just said is harsh. I said it because it’s true. You’ll never escape that job you hate and that pain in the ass boss that sucks all of your energy away unless you get a side hustle.

Start with what you like doing and then design a side hustle around it. Ensure that at least one action is taken every day. Then, let that momentum build into a side hustle.

Once you have momentum, the aim of the game is to let the side hustle take over from that dead-end job that makes you feel like crap.

You’ll never get to travel.

The world is such an amazing place (cliché I know).
There’s no point the world being beautiful and you hearing that cliché if you never get to enjoy it.

A side hustle is what you’ll eventually monetize so that you can work less and play more (i.e. travel).

Travel is one of the biggest regrets of those who are dying. You’ll never get to check back into planet Earth again so you may as well travel while you can.

Build that startup. Launch that website. Record that video. Or, in my case, write that blog post that inspires.

You’ll miss those family moments.

A side hustle is designed to give you time and allow you to do more of what you love. That’s what blogging does for me and the same can happen for you.

“Being consumed by a job you hate, so you can earn just enough to survive, so you can impress your boss and people you don’t care about, is the definition of failure”

I believe you can spend more time with your family. I believe you should feel inspired every day and do something that makes you happy. I believe that family is one of the few things in life that we’re destined to cherish.

Okay, that last line was a bit soppy for a bloke but who gives a rat’s – it’s true.

You’ll never get to experience the art of fulfillment.

Blogging gives me a sense of fulfillment. I feel like I have done something that matters to me and that matters to the world. If you don’t go and get a side hustle, you’ll never experience what it’s like to be fulfilled.

Being fulfilled makes you feel like the glass is always half full instead of half empty, or worse yet, looking at the glass as empty with a crack in the bottom that was caused by everyone else.

When you feel fulfilled, you find yourself wanting to do things for others. You find giving easier, you want to be a mentor, you want to perform charitable acts, and all round, life is good.

I want you to feel life is good too. That’s why I want you to get a side hustle amigo!

***Parting advice***

Oops….I nearly thought that headline read “parenting advice.” Now that would suck because I have no idea about that…haha

No one said this whole side hustle would be easy. You will need to work hard and you’ll have to take action. You may even need to do some soul searching and that’s fine too. My point is that you need to stop delaying and begin building something. The whole construction process I find is better than when you’ve built your side hustle.

It feels good to be in control and to serve others with your side hustle. I want that feeling for you too.

Go out and start your side hustle.

If you want to increase your productivity and learn some more valuable life hacks, then join my private mailing list on

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