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8 Keys to Managing Your Mental Health When Starting a Business



how to manage your mental health when starting a business
Image Credit: Pixabay

It can be challenging to focus on vital things like your health when you are in the midst of building a business. Many founders and startups forget about their mental health because they want to make everything perfect, no matter what it takes. 

We constantly hear about mental health in the news. People are depressed, anxious, and not happy with their life. Because of this, we must seriously tackle this problem and take action. Depression, anxiety, and mood disorders provoke burnout and become a toxic element within a company’s culture.  

Here are 8 keys to managing your mental health when starting a business:

1. Your Mind & Body Are Interconnected

Mental, emotional, and physical health are deeply interconnected. Just as mental health problems can lead to alcohol and substance abuse, lack of exercise or a poor diet can cause depression and loss of focus. Gaining ten extra pounds is just as real for a founder when starting a business as a freshman because of the stress due to tests and exams. 

2. Why Priorities Are Better Than Your Objectives?

As a rule, founders are wholly devoted to their calendars and task lists. Unfortunately, the task list is just a reminder of the myriad of tasks that still need to be done. For most of us, the list of tasks is endless. This is an excellent recipe for an unbearable and uncontrollable load for your psyche. 

The definition of anxiety is when we feel our ability to achieve results is suppressed by current tasks. This is inevitable when the assignments are poorly formulated, too large, or don’t have a number.

Instead of a list of tasks, switch to a list of priorities for the day, which includes only urgent and important tasks at the same time. It may be more challenging to complete these tasks, but the satisfaction of completing them will not be compared with anything.

3. Vacation is Important

Founders need to consciously take a vacation with a digital detox to disconnect from work. If the founder cannot disconnect on his own even during the holidays, try traveling where it is impossible to be in touch regularly. Burnout is rarely suspected due to failures in parsing failed startups, but the trained eye will often find its effect on the decline of the company.

As a rule, people in business spontaneously apply the following strategies to solve their psychological problems:

  • Ignoring all issues as if they did not exist at all.
  • Deferring their decisions.
  • Attempts to replace the search for the right solution with half measures or false steps (endless discussion of problems with relatives and friends, visits to psychics and sorcerers, drunkenness, drugs, gambling).

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” – Maya Angelou

4. Meditation is The Right Source for New Ideas

The founders must include physical activity in their routine and monitor their diet. Yoga, meditation, breathing practices or applying to a doctor online are beneficial. Take time to try these different practices.

Write about what you are grateful for (it helps you to remain appreciative), why you feel stressed (the solution is more natural when you pour problems onto paper), how you grew up in a day (small victories) and then make a to-do list. This helps to focus and find balance if you like to meditate.

5. The Wrong Diet May Destroy You 

With a wave of new products, foods, drinks, nootropics, it is easier than ever to include vital vitamins and nutrients in your diet. Try foods that are full of nutrients and have minimal side effects.

6. Social Cooperation and Health

Some of you are so lost in your projects that you forget about life outside of the business. Find time for friends, loved ones, children, and even animals. Remember, it is not the amount of time, it’s the quality. 

Understand your “hot” and “cold” zones at work. By doing so, you can plan your day to work in a convenient way for you. Make sure to also allocate time for social activities. Professionals always know how to organize any business or plan by working efficiently and not just a lot.

“The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I’m not going to let myself pull me down anymore.” – C. Joybell C.

7. Always Be Informed to Avoid Mental Health Issues

Learn about signs of depression and burnout. Drowning people do not wave their hands and do not shout for help – they silently go underwater. Only trained rescuers usually notice trouble. The same thing happens with depression, as these people don’t usually spend time in endless complaints or sadness.

The following symptoms should alert you:

  • A constant feeling of pessimism.
  • Sad or anxious mood.
  • Changes in behavior or loss of interest in activities that previously brought pleasure.
  • Changes in diet and meal times.
  • Changes in sleep time.
  • Irritability.

8. Change Your Activities

If you’re used to working with what’s called your head, it will be beneficial for you to go to the gym. While it’s not always possible to be at the gym, it will be enough to water the flowers, move the chairs, or take a quick step along the corridor. It is essential to switch from one activity to another whenever you feel that stress is returning. If stress has caught you on the bus, get off at the nearest stop and walk for 10-15 minutes.

Creating a business is a difficult task because of the mental, physical, and emotional toll it can take on you. At the same time, our ecosystem is toxic, and dozens of factors contribute to making building a company even more difficult. There are real steps that each of you can take to begin eliminating this toxicity.

How do you manage your mental health and ensure you don’t overly stress? Share your ideas with us below!

Marie Barnes is a Marketing Communication Manager at Adsy and an enthusiastic blogger interested in writing about technology, social media, work, travel, lifestyle, and current affairs. She shares her insights through blogging. Follow her on Medium.

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