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6 Important Things Entrepreneurs Can Do to Unwind



how to relax

It’s no secret that entrepreneurs are an extraordinarily ambitious species with stars in their eyes. They want to see their business soar to great heights and are ready to put in the effort and the hours to ensure that they realize this dream. This, however, takes its toll on their lives and more often than not, they end up feeling that they live only for their venture.

Are you an overworked small business entrepreneur? If yes, then ask yourself when was the last time you took a break and truly disconnected from the day-to-day business worries. If it’s been over 3 years since you last disengaged from your work, then you will do well to do so now!

The role of stress

You probably already know that stress is bad for you. According to The American Institute of Stress, workload is the biggest source of stress among people.

This especially holds true of those who’re overworked and time-strapped. Entrepreneurs do a lot. From improving their products and finding customers to hiring the right employees, apart from managing daily business operations. This can be overwhelming. Sometimes, it can be difficult to complete every task you lay out for yourself.

To dodge the nasty effects of stress, give some of the below techniques a try:

1. Take a vacation

So it’s been really long since you’ve taken a real holiday, the kind where you were completely inaccessible to others? Well, now may be a good time to get away from work again and live a little.

All entrepreneurs work as hard as the employees (if not harder) and need a break every now and then. If you’re overworked and think a vacation will revitalize you, take one as soon as you can.

The best thing about vacations these days is there are professional services that do all the running around for you. You simply have to pay them for their services and enjoy yourself thereafter.

“As you grow older, you learn a few things. One of them is to actually take the time you’ve allotted for vacation.” – John Battelle

2. Divert your mind

Yoga is known to calm the mind and have several positive effects on the body. Consider enrolling in yoga classes and attend them a few times in a week at a time convenient to you. Not only will it bring your mind some much-needed peace, but will also keep you in good shape.

Apart from yoga, you can also try your hand at a hobby that’s always fascinated you. It could be anything that takes your mind of work, such as photography, gardening, playing music, sports, or even walking.


3. Get quality sleep

The number of hours and the quality of sleep you get each night have a major impact on your health and wellness. One of the more surprising causes of disturbed sleep could be a bad mattress.

It makes sense to spend a few extra bucks on a really good mattress and enjoy the benefits of good sleep for years to come. For best results, go for one that is 100 percent non-toxic and non-allergenic as it will provide you with a night’s rest free of sneezing, itching and restlessness.


4. Work out before you work

Exercise can boost your mood and benefits almost every aspect of your health. According to Mental Health America, “Adults ages 18 and over (including older adults) need at least 2½ hours of moderate aerobic activity each week and muscle strengthening exercises twice a week.”

Low-to-moderate intensity exercises such as walking briskly, playing tennis or riding a bicycle can help. High-impact workouts like running, jogging and swimming should work too.


5. Meditate your blues away

Meditation can help you break away from the chaos of the workplace and focus your attention on finding peace within yourself. Anything should be fine as long as you can find a way to clear your mind of the clutter of thoughts.

“Half an hour’s meditation each day is essential, except when you are busy. Then a full hour is needed.” – Saint Francis de Sales

6. Seek professional help

Sometimes, managing stress takes more than self help. Many a time, entrepreneurs cannot stop feeling stressed out and anxious. In such cases, consulting a mental health professional or a qualified psychologist can go a long way helping you reduce tension and stress, and unwind.


All work and no play make Jack dull and you don’t want to be Jack. It is necessary to relax your mind and rejuvenate your senses in order to perform optimally in every area of life.

Spending your time indulging in the things you like doing, performing activities that help you calm your mind, and making your wellbeing a priority will hold your mind and body in good stead in the long term.

This, in turn, will enable you to continue being productive and drive your business on a one-way street to success.

What are some things you do to help you unwind? Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below!

Swati is a qualified dietitian at Practo. She has a Masters degree in Dietetics and Food Service Management. She is a strong believer in spreading the goodness of ‘nutrition through healthy eating’. As a responsible dietitian Swati examines her patients’ health history carefully before recommending any diet or workout regimen, because everybody has different requirements.



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