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Success Advice

7 Simple Habits That Will Make You More Successful



successful habits
Image Credit: Unsplash

One of the first rules of success is to have good habits. Do you want to live your life to its fullest? It won’t happen if you just write and rewrite your goals. You have to develop new habits. Start today!

Here are 7 simple habits that will make you more successful:

1. The habit of asking for help

No one succeeds alone. So, make a habit to pay other people to accomplish your goals faster. Do it as often as possible. In exchange, you’ll get their time, skills and services. If you ever tried to build a business or to lose weight or something similar, you probably realized things are harder than you thought.

Sometimes you face obstacles impossible to overcome by yourself. But what if you would’ve had a mentor by your side or someone who could help you solve your problems? If you make it a habit to ask for help, you will get unstuck and move forward more faster.

2. The habit of taking action

You have the potential to make anything of yourself in this world, but if you don’t take action, you’ll just die frustrated. I’m sure you have great ideas, but that doesn’t mean anything. The implementation of your ideas is the key to more success.

And no, you don’t need motivation for this. Taking action is a habit. So, if you call yourself ‘’lazy’’ and procrastinate, don’t worry, you can change this.

Here’s how: Start taking 3 actions steps each day (even if you have no idea of what are you doing). Read a blog post and do something. Watch a video and do something. Read 20 pages from a book and do something.

Or, if you want another method, take one action step for your dreams. If you’ve wanted to do something for years, stop overthinking it. Start today, and do something small every day. After a while, you’ll start to do more. Finally, the habit of taking action will transform you into an action taker and you’ll reach new levels of success because of that.

“One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals.” – Michael Korda

3. The habit of living uncomfortable

Contrary to what most motivational speakers say, life is hard. We are humans and all of us have our fears and doubts. Regardless of that, you should form a habit to do uncomfortable things anyway. Why? Because success is not just about doing what you want, it’s about doing what it takes. Let’s face it, you’re never ready to make changes in your life.

That’s why you need to step out of your comfort zone. The more you do this, the more good things will happen to you. Even if you fail most times, you’ll realize things are totally different in reality from what you initially thought. Your mindset will change and you’ll grow as a person.

4. The habit of meditation

Did you know many successful entrepreneurs meditate daily? For years, I believed this habit is just for weird people. But I was wrong. After I started to practice meditation, I’ve seen how important is for my mind. It helped me think more clearly. I also started to live more in the present and be calm in stressful situations. You can get the same benefits, and many others, if you meditate for at least 5 minutes per day. So, why wouldn’t you do it?

5. The habit of saying no

I had many times in my life when I did things I really didn’t want to do. Why? For no other reason than to please other people. I used to say ‘’yes’’ to everybody, often without realizing what I was doing. Because of that, I never had time to take care of myself. Sound familiar? People don’t even respect the fact you do them favors. On the contrary, they ask for more.

It’s better to say ‘’no’’. You’re not selfish for that. Nobody has time to do everything for others. Sure, you won’t be able to refuse everyone from tomorrow, but I’m sure you can do it with a little practice. It’s gonna be one of the best things you ever did.

“When you say ‘yes’ to others, make sure you aren’t saying ‘no’ to yourself.” – Paulo Coelho

6. The habit of tracking everything

Do you feel like you never have enough time in a day for important things? Then, you should start to track what you’re doing. No, cutting things from your to-do list is not enough. Write down how much time you spent on each task and what results you got. Also, write down your daily progress and check what you wrote each week. You’ll find ways to improve your schedule and move faster.

7. The habit of taking responsibility

This is the hardest habit from the entire list. At the same time, it’s probably the most important. Everybody has problems but blaming others will never help you solve them. Instead, you should form a habit to take responsibility for things that aren’t working well in your life. In other words, when something bad happens, just say ‘’It’s my fault.’’

Almost nobody does this but it’s something smart. If it’s your fault, you can do something about it. You take control over your bad situation. Be responsible for your income, relationships and your life in general. You’ll have the power to decide your level of success on your own.

You can’t become more successful if you search for motivation or count on luck. Success is made of small habits practiced daily.

I hope you’ll use some of the habits from this article. Now, I’d like to hear from you. Which one of these habits have you found most useful? Do you have any other habit that you can share? Leave a comment below!



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