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Success Advice

(Video) Australian Couple ‘Matt & Amanda Clarkson’ Make $8 Million Dollars On eBay



Image Credit: Unsplash

Four years ago Australian Couple Matt & Amanda Clarkson where stressing over their monthly bills and dreaming of a life without the 9 to 5. Nowadays they are enjoying their Yachts, Luxury Cars & Designer Clothes and so far $8 Million Dollars all thanks to the online market place ‘eBay‘. Matt & Amanda have designed their own system of how to buy and sell on eBay and they are sharing this with the world as they travel around presenting the same opportunity they had 4 years ago to those who are less fortunate nowadays.

We have a Video presentation and some Words Of Advice by Matt & Amanda Clarkson and their 12 simple steps to that eBay Jackpot!


Matt & Amanda Clarkson – Your 12 Simple Steps to eBay Riches


Matt & Amanda Clarksons Top 10 eBay Money Making Secrets:

1.Start off by selling everything that isn’t nailed down in your home, then ask your friends and family to give you stuff to sell so you can get an idea of what sells before you spend your cash. Don’t assume what people want.

Small and slow is the best way to get your feet wet. If you’re going to make any mistakes its best to make them at an early stage so you don’t end up losing money or blemishing your vital feedback rating. We call it the magic 100 as if you have more than 100 positive feedbacks you get more credibility from potential bidders and ultimately more money.Click here to find out more!

2.Find a niche product. We went round to local flea markets and auctions to get a feel for what people were spending their money on. It was a great way to get information for free. We started with camping cool boxes and then expanded into household items.

3.Use the Internet and other resources to research suppliers both locally around the world to get the best price. Look around you if there are hot, new items in your local department store they’ll probably sell on eBay. Look on the back of the packaging and in most cases there’ll be the manufacturers details. Get on the phone to them.

We searched suppliers on the Internet and initially emailed firms in China and India with our interest and then purchased a cheap phone card and rang them.

The golden rule when buying stock to sell on eBay is you make your money when you buy, not when you sell.

4.Build relationships with suppliers and customers to ensure a reliable stream of product. Just like the corner shop you use, we all do business with those we know, like and trust. We found it is better to meet face to face with your supplier at first. Once you have built a relationship you dont need to keep flying back constantly.

5.When you advertise your product, take clear, uncluttered photos on a plain background and end your auction at a time when more buyers are looking. The best time is 8pm to 9pm when people are at home, relaxing after dinner. If there are flaws, take a close up picture and honestly point it out. People will feel better about trusting you.

6.List your products in the correct category, using key words. There are more than 50,000 categories on eBay so this is a potential minefield. Lets say I wanted to sell womens maternity jeans. Don’t list them in womens clothing. We would place it in womens maternity wear. If you have something really weird there is a category called everything else.

7.Describe your products in a way that will make people want to buy them –people shop on eBay for pleasure, not for need. This is one of the main reasons why we make so much money there is massive power in the choice of words we use.Instead of blue jeans wed say: Boot cut, slim fit, flattering jeans.

8.Give outstanding customer service. We decided to automate our business,something that is available as part of eBay. We’ve made templates of commonly asked questions so we just need to cut and paste. If your service is good you will get great feedback. People want to know that other people have bought your product first, and that they’ve lived to tell the tale!

9.Build up a data base of customers and email them teasers. With our kitchenalia category we send out recipe ideas and tips monthly. For example with what types of herbs you can use, and then suggest a new blender.

10.Don’t ever let go of the end vision of what you would like success to do for you. Matt says: One of the biggest dreams I started out with was I wanted one day to be able to travel business class on flights and that spurred me on.


I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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