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Success Advice

The Shortcut to Tremendous Success – 8 Tips From a Multi-Millionaire



Jamie McIntyre Success Millionaire

Multi Million Dollar Real Estate Investor, Entrepreneur and Author of the bestseller “What I didn’t learn at school but wish I Had“, Jamie McIntyre has created 12 companies throughout his career and today leads the 21st Century Education Program for people who want to create a richer life for themselves and for their loved ones.

Jamie McIntyre learned early on that to be successful he needed to get surrounded by successful people and so today he maintains excellent relations with personalities such as Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Oprah, Tim Ferriss and many others.

I had the chance to interview him for his 8 golden tips and advice on achieving multi-million dollar success:


1) You should work more to learn, than to earn

2) Find a mentor to compress decades of knowledge into a few years

3) The key to being successful is adding value and making a difference in the world

4) People who have a high sense of purpose are more likely to succeed

5) People who focus on money the most are the one’s who have the least

6) We need to have our heads right if we want to be successful and it requires educating ourselves

7) Start your day by focusing on 5 things you’re grateful for

8) The shortcut to success is to model other people’s success; there is no need to reinvent the wheel


Jamie McIntyre’s Top 10 Investment Strategies



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