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Success Advice

Still Unsuccessful? Maybe You Should Try This



be successful
Joel Brown

A number of people tell me their story, about all of the things they wish to do and some of the things that they have tried and then ask me “why am I still not successful?” Well I have the answer right here for you:

You Must Raise Your Standards!

A higher standard is a higher expectation of yourself. It is the only way to permanently create an everlasting change in your self-development.

You have to be 100% certain, there MUST NOT be “I should” or “I would, If I could” you MUST have certainty and you need to start using stronger words, even when you are thinking to yourself about where you want to be. The power of the voice in your head that you create is stronger and more influential than you think. You need to re-enforce the confidence that you need to reach that next level of success.

Are you willing to get a little uncomfortable? Ask yourself that honest question. Do you really deserve success? Because I believe that anything worth having is worth fighting for, and if you don’t absolutely want it enough then you wont get it, it’s as simple as that. The resources, the people, the opportunity to learn through experience is all there, you just have to find a way to get it, and that ultimately comes down to the question of “How bad do you really want it?” YOU HAVE TO BE WILLING TO EXECUTE, no matter what the cost is.

Have you ever met someone who is healthy and ripped with only 5% body fat who has never worked out or never eaten healthy a day in their life? NO!

Our Physique is a reflection of the standards that we set in our life. If your standard is to sport a healthy figure and live a long and prosperous life then you will hit the gym or go for a run, eat healthier food or even give up smoking etc.. Even when you know the amount of work you have to put in will be highly demanding and over bearing at times, you will stop at nothing because you know the eventually the final outcome will fulfil your ideal desires.

Take an honest look at yourself. What standard have you set for yourself, was it years ago you set the standard and you are not happy with how things have turned out today? Then it’s never too late. Find the area of your life that needs improvement and change your SHOULDS into MUSTS! Make it a “For Sure” in your mind that there is no other option; it is a definite with you.


Find out what you need to do to really Raise Your Standards:

What is your environment like for you? If your environment is limiting you from raising your standards then move and change the playing field, whether it be that you decide to move away from negative people in your life, you make more of a conscious decision to avoid negative temptation or you find an arena where you are challenged to achieve your outcome. That means that you surround yourself with people who have a higher standard and are positive, not negative in the way they look at life and challenges that come their way. As corny as the quotes “Who you spend time with is who you become” and “The power of your network determines your net worth” may sound, they are true and it has been proven by anyone who lives by them. Surround yourself with people who you can grow and learn with, not people who will only drag you down.

Standards For Success Picture Quote












We only get what we believe that we deserve. Raise the bar, raise your standards and you will receive a better outcome. – Joel Brown


Just know that through making the decision of “Raising Your Standards“, you may experience a few side effects:

A requirement of a high level of discipline, a little disappointment here and there, the demand for massive sacrifice and a continued amount of persistence. The benefits may out way the side effects, but you will only truly know this once you have the courage to face this highly rewarding change that is needed to achieve outstanding results.



I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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