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Success Advice

How To Make $2000 A Week With Nothing But Your Laptop.



Image Credit: Ash Edmonds via Unsplash

It sounds like a clickbait headline doesn’t it? Well, it’s not meant to be. Like every blog post I write, what you think I’m about to say is not what I’m actually going to say.

You think I’m going to tell you how to make money from affiliate marketing or blogging or an eCommerce store. I’m not. Sorry.

I see lots of headlines that talk about retiring and making money while you sleep. Whilst not impossible by all means, I think this dream is BS.

One of my close friends quit his job to chase this dream and learned a few key lessons:


It’s a lonely business.

He was doing road trips and jumping on Skype calls every day. He reported to no one and could manage his own day. He found something out that the Instagram posts didn’t tell him:

The laptop lifestyle can be a lonely business.

In my case, one of the best parts of my day is meeting new clients and hanging out with my colleagues at lunchtime. We have lots of banter and we know each other’s families really well.

You may make $2000 a week from your laptop, but you could also lose the best part about having a normal career which is the people.

As humans, we crave connection and for many, the laptop lifestyle is a life of software, calendars and notifications that provide a hit of dopamine.


You get lazy.

Another friend of mine built up a very successful blog. Then she got lazy and stopped adding new content. She stopped doing the very thing that made her the $2000 a week from her laptop.

She began reading fiction books every day and stopped adding value in other people’s lives. A lot of her income came from Google Adsense ads on her site which nowadays make a lot less money.

She went from fancy lunches to Footlong Subs.

Don’t let the laptop lifestyle delude you from the fact that you have to find a way to add value in some way.

The $2000 a week is a measure of the value you’re adding.

Once you get complacent, you’re screwed.

You have to keep growing, learning and evolving otherwise you become stale, out of date and on your way to bankruptcy.

Discipline is key. If you choose the laptop lifestyle, then you need to remaindisciplined. You might have a team helping you, but you still have to put in the work yourself.


If there’s no meaning behind it, you’ll feel worse than you did before.

Many people have made $2000 a week from their laptop only to figure out that selling widgets on a website, as an example, is meaningless.

It’s not about making $2000 a week; it’s about doing something you love.
If you can make $2000 a week at the same time doing something you love then awesome. Let’s have a party and celebrate — I’ll bring the wine.

Instead of focusing on the passive incomefocus on why you’re doing it.

Pick a hobby like poker, personal development, cars, etc that you’d happily do for free. Create your blog, business, or influencer brand around that.

Doing things just for money (which I’ve done) is incredibly depressing. You feel like a robot with a creation date and an end date.

The whole point of the human experience is this:
• To serve others
• To enjoy the time you have
• To understand what love is

Making $2000 from your laptop every week is not the gateway drug to the good life. The good life exists in your own mind and you create it for yourself.
Living without meaning will only make you feel worse.

You’ll wake up with your laptop every day wondering why you’re doing it. It will leave you with more questions than answers.

Think about the meaning part first before you run away and chase the Instagram fairies with your laptop


There’s not a lot of security.

Shit can go wrong quickly. In my friend’s case, he had three key clients that made up his online business and one of them left. He went from $2000 a week to $500 a week in the blink of an eye.

As quick as you can make $100k you can lose it too”

This dream life of working from your laptop can quickly turn around if you’re not careful. That’s not a reason to not try it for yourself, but it’s a harsh lesson that many who crave this lifestyle don’t understand.


Will making $2000 a week matter in the long-run?

No, because then you’ll just want $4000 a week. The game of numbers on a screen never ends. We always crave more when it comes to money.

When you die, will your $2000 a week business be carved on your tombstone?Will people mention your $2000 a week at your funeral?

No, they won’t. People will remember who you are and what you taught them.

Focus on teaching people something and leaving a legacy that matters.

The $2000 a week is neither here nor there.


If you want to increase your productivity and learn some more valuable life hacks, then join my private mailing list on

Aussie Blogger with 500M+ views — Writer for CNBC & Business Insider. Inspiring the world through Personal Development and Entrepreneurship You can connect with Tim through his website



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