Success Advice
How To Accomplish Anything From A to Z
Abraham Maslow listed self actualization on top of the hierarchy of human needs because he understood man’s innate desire to succeed and achieve self-fulfillment in life.
Everyone desires to feel accomplished in different areas of their lives and like his/her life has meaning; this is the reason people set goals and chase after dreams.
Different things mean different things to different people as do people differ in their definition of success and as well as how they measure it. The common denominator though is that the accomplishment of goals and achievement of dreams fills us all with pride and joy and boosts our self-esteem, confidence and self-satisfaction.
When it comes to accomplishing anything, whether mundane or profound, the following definitely come into play and are essential in ensuring our successes and victories.
Here is the list from A to Z to accomplish anything:
Ambition – In order to accomplish or achieve anything, you have to truly want it; that desire will propel you to do whatever it takes to bring it to fruition. It is said that ambition is the path to success while persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.
Belief – Anything and everything is possible to him that believes. You have to believe in yourself, your ability to accomplish your goals and the possibilities of your dream; otherwise, nothing shall come to pass.
Commitment – Unless one is committed to doing what is required and what one has promised to do, there will always exist hesitancy, excuses and reasons to not follow through with the necessary actions. Commitment is saying, “I do” to both the actions and process.
Diligence – Nothing worth having ever comes by easily; you have to be willing to work for the things you desire and put forth the necessary effort required to achieve them.
“The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work.” – Oprah Winfrey
Extra Mile – The difference between success and failure, being ordinary and extra-ordinary is determined by one’s willingness to go the extra-mile and do the things most people aren’t willing and don’t want to do as well as pushing past one’s comfort zone.
Fortitude – The ability to brush yourself off when you fall, stick in the race when you would rather quit and embrace challenges and obstacles as they arise separates the winners from the losers and determines one’s successes or failures.
Go-Getter Mentality – Success is inevitable for those who are willing to grab the bull by the horns, face fears and challenges, take risks and exercise their power to control and shape their destiny. “Some people succeed because they are destined but most because they are determined.”
Habits – It is said that your actions become your habits and your habits; your character. The actions you perform on a regular basis form your character and tell the world more about you than you ever can yourself. You teach people to take you seriously or not based by what you do.
Initiative – If you want things to happen, YOU have to make them happen and understand that you are responsible for creating the life and determining the results you desire.
“It is not often that a man can make opportunities for himself, but he can put himself in such shape that when or if the opportunities come he is ready.” – Theodore Roosevelt
Just do it! – Talking about things, over- analyzing/planning things and giving yourself all the pep talks in the world won’t accomplish much. The power and results are in performing the actions.
Keep things simple – We sometimes complicate things more than we need to and as a result end up sabotaging our efforts in getting things done when we try to “re-invent the wheel.” If there exists a guaranteed and simple way of getting things accomplished; follow it.
Laser Focus – In order to accomplish your goals and achieve your dreams you have to be willing to make them a priority, give them the attention they deserve while shutting out the unnecessary distractions while that would take your eyes off the prize.
Motivation – What is your “why”? What drives you? What keeps you going when you want to throw in the towel? Find your Motivation…Find your Drive….Find your Success!!!
“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, that’s when you will be successful” – Eric Thomas
Network – There truly is power in numbers. Surround yourself with people who empower you, believe in your dreams, keep you accountable and from whom you can receive inspiration and support as well as learn from.
Open-minded – Nothing is ever set in stone, there will always be something new for you to learn, better and more innovative ways of doing things and new possibilities and opportunities to embrace; don’t stubbornly close yourself off to them by being one-track minded or inflexible to change and new ideas.
Plan – How do you plan on getting from point A to point B? What course of actions do you need to take? Having a solid plan allows you prioritize, set goals as well as give due attention and focus to actions and things that are required. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
Questions – “He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.” – Chinese proverb. Asking the right questions will get you the answers and results you desire as well as give you new insight, change your perspective and help you determine the actions you need to take or changes you need to make.
Responsibility – Your actions and reactions determine whether things turn out in your favor or to your detriment. Accept the fact that you are the driver of your life and are responsible for getting yourself to where you wish to go.
“Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility. In the final analysis, the one quality that all successful people have is the ability to take on responsibility.” – Michael Korda
Self-Discipline – Doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done even when you don’t feel like doing it builds character, increases one’s odds for success and goes a long way in defining what kind of person you are.
Tenacity – Persistence and determination play huge roles in predicting successful outcomes. Tenacious individuals have an easier time accomplishing things and achieving success because they hang in when others choose to give up, always see things to an end by finishing what they start and never accept no for an answer.
Urgency – Do it now! Do it today! Procrastination is a great thief and saboteur of dreams. Don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today. Learn to develop a sense of urgency and manage your time wisely; time wasted is never recovered and some opportunities once missed never present themselves again.
Vision – “Your vision of where or what you want to be is the greatest asset you have. Without having a goal, it’s difficult to score” – Paul Arden. Having precise knowledge of whatever it is you wish to accomplish will ensure that you come up with the right plan and actions that will determine success.
Winner’s Mindset – Half of doing anything is believing you can. Winners win because they believe they can; their beliefs dictate their thoughts which in turn determine the actions that lead up to results and their success. They don’t allow doubt to cloud their visions or steal their dreams.
eXpectancy – The law of attraction promotes the belief that thoughts become things; what you expect is what you are guaranteed to receive. Always have positive but realistic expectations to avoid experiencing resentment or disappoint if things don’t pan out as you had hoped.
Yes – Learn how to say “Yes” to change, to opportunities, to new ideas….to life by embracing them.
Zeal – Pursue your goals and dreams with gusto, enthusiastically, passionately and with all your heart. Half-hearted pursuits produce half-hearted results, “Throw your heart over the bar and your body will follow.” Whatever you truly desire and are willing to give your all to is what you will receive in the end.
Thank you for reading my article! I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section!
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