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Success Advice

4 Admirable Qualities From Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign



4 Admirable Qualities You Can Learn From Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign

This article is in no way a promotion of Donald Trump’s presidential bid for the White House. Truth be told, I don’t even know much about his agenda. All I know is that he has somehow managed to grasp my attention as well as that of many others.

Love him or hate him, we can’t ignore him! We can’t seem to browse our TV channels without catching him on air or peruse a newspaper without reading something about him; whether it’s because of some of his outlandish remarks and comments or his promise to make America great once again; Donald Trump is everywhere and most likely, here to stay.

Although he can be a loose cannon and isn’t very popular amongst many, I admire and applaud the fact that he is different and is okay with being different, isn’t afraid to speak his mind and isn’t wishy washy regarding his opinions. He definitely isn’t about maintaining the status quo or keeping politics as usual; this is the main reason he has resonated greatly with both his supporters and non-supporters.


Donald Trump quotes

Although Donald Trump possesses some flaws and faults like we all do, he also possesses the following very admirable qualities we can all strive to emulate that have been instrumental in helping him achieve outstanding success, create a legacy and go from business mogul to TV personality and currently to a presidential candidate.

Here are 4 admirable qualities I have learned from Donald Trump’s presidential campaign:


1. Confidence

Most people would argue that he is cocky, arrogant and probably thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread. If there is one thing we can all agree on though, is that Donald Trump is extremely confident and sure of himself; so much so that he believes he has what it takes to make America great again.

His self-assuredness has been responsible for helping him succeed in business, turn his undertakings into gold, take calculated risks as well as bid for presidency once again. He isn’t afraid to stand out, go after what he wants and definitely doesn’t believe in hiding his light under the proverbial bushel.


2. Resilience

No matter how much he gets beaten down, he always manages to get right back up and keep going. Donald Trump has the tenacity of a bull and has proved time and time again that he doesn’t back down when pushed into a corner. He will not allow other people’s opinions of him determine his actions and isn’t afraid to face his opponents no matter how outnumbered he might be.

I believe his resilience has also been responsible in helping him recover from several financial losses, emerge stronger since the last presidential race and experience greater success in his endeavors. He has consistently chosen to hang tight during occasions when most people would otherwise throw in the towel or wave the white flag.

“If you don’t believe in yourself, nobody else will.” – Donald Trump

3. Independent thinker

If there are two things that Donald Trump isn’t; he isn’t a follower or brown-noser. He isn’t afraid to go against the grain even if it means ruffling a few feathers or being unpopular with the majority. He doesn’t let the status quo influence his thoughts and decisions or dictate his actions and isn’t afraid to voice his opinions.

I think the reason many people resonate with his message is because they admire his boldness and the fact that he says what they wish they had the courage to say themselves. It is true that we live in a politically correct world where we get judged every day because of our beliefs, what we say and even how we look. It is always refreshing encountering people who embrace their individuality, dance to the beat of their own drum and do not silence their voices even if most people don’t agree with what they say.


4. Dares to dream

Most people might think that it is absurd for Donald Trump to seek presidency, after all, what does a business mogul and TV personality really know about politics and foreign affairs? Well, he is probably running for presidency because he believes in the possibility of dreams and knows that anything is possible to those that dare to dream.

Many people have risen to success and fame because of their drive, talent, diligence and perseverance. Greatness isn’t out of anyone’s reach. Donald Trump has seen people like himself go on to achieve the high office and as a result believes it is a possibility for him as well. To accomplish anything; we have to dare to dream.


I guess the polls will determine whether victory or defeat shall be his. What I do know for sure is that Donald Trump has turned many naysayers into believers, changed the political game, made an even greater name for himself amongst many and won’t disappear into obscurity after it is all said and done.

Yvonne Kariba loves helping people believe in the possibility of their dreams and inspiring & motivating others to become better versions of themselves. She is the author of Make Things Happen!!!; Traits & Habits Successful People Use To Attain Their Goals & Dreams That You Can Put Into Use In Your Own Life To Do The Same and an aspiring Life Coach. Yvonne contributes to the Huffington Post blog, Addicted2Success, Thought Catalog and other prolific blogs. Connect with her on Twitter @ykariba



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