How to Make Millions, Affect Millions and Feel Like a Million Bucks – Kash Shaikh

Welcome once more to the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast Breakdown”! My name is Erik Andress and I am the host of this show. Today, I am humbled and grateful to bring you the words and wisdom of entrepreneur and mastermind behind the #besomebody movement, Kash Shaikh! He is an example of hustle, positivity and hope that we can all look to and try to emulate!
Check out this podcast interview with Kash to learn all his tips, tricks, and techniques that he wants you to know to live a empowered life:
In this podcast, Kash shares powerful insight on how his past experiences and the fight for success that he endured, have given him invaluable knowledge that people around the world need to hear and study!
While there were a lot of gems this inspiring entrepreneur dropped, here are the three most important ways Kash believes that you can do to dramatically increase the quality of your life:
1. There are many different valid avenues towards lasting success
We get told a lot that there is one way to succeed. You have to get the right grades to get into the right college. After attending the right college, you will enter the workforce and find comfortability in the fabric lined walls of your four foot by four foot cubicle. Soon you will find the adequate romantic partner and …ZZZZZZZ (*falls asleep mid sentence*) It’s BORING even just typing it out! The rules that have been imposed on you are PRETEND! Teachers, administrators, parents, bosses and so many more well meaning people have tried to keep you on the well trod path of comfortability and success.
You were BORN to chase greatness. There are extraordinary men and women over time that have MADE history not simply participated in it. Not a single one of these thought leaders made their mark on the world by doing the same thing that society has always done. Not a single one of those influential individuals changed society by embracing the status quo. Go beyond your boundaries of comfortability. Believe in the parts of you that are sensational and understand that you can use those to fuel your success in business, in relationships and in life!
“At first they’ll ask why you’re doing it. Later they’ll ask how you did it.” – Nathan Chan
2. Hear your haters, but keep moving forward towards your dreams
What steps did you take this morning to differentiate today from EVERY other day of your life? Did you eat a healthier breakfast? Did you sneak in a thirty minute workout before you had to head off to work or school? Did you hop on a call with your business partner to get a little grind in before you had to start your day in full? Did you send a text to your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife to let them know how grateful you are that they are in your life? If you aren’t pushing yourself to be better from the moment you wake up, to the time that you lay your head on the pillow in the evening, then your haters are right about you. Then those that doubt you have a valid point.
Many people simply dismiss the naysayers, when they should be looking to see if there is any truth in their criticism of you. Are you going down a path that will lead your business into ruin? Are you dating somebody that detracts from your happiness as opposed to adding to it? Are you surrounding yourself with people that enable you to make destructive decisions instead of constructive ones? Develop a keen sense of self-awareness and become your own harshest critic. Demand excellence and discipline from yourself in all areas of your life. You can not have uncommon results when you keep taking common action. So, buck mediocrity by taking constructive criticism and pushing yourself to be more than anybody believed you were capable of becoming!
“Most haters are stuck in a poisonous mental prison of jealousy and self-doubt that blinds them to their own potentiality.” – Steve Maraboli
3. Sacrifice being comfortable for the greatness you are capable of achieving
We don’t go to movies to see the main character succeed immediately. We flock to the cinema to see somebody that embodies the “underdog story”. We watch films like this because they resonate with us at a core level, and shakes up something primal within our hearts. We love these movies because they portray some unassuming character that is willing to risk it all to find glory. They are willing to leave behind the comforts of home to face down internal or external demons. We love these films because we want to see that “underdog” spirit in us!
Understand that this kind of heroism doesn’t have to be relegated to movies. It doesn’t have to be stuck on the silver screen. You are the hero of this story. You are the main character that is charged with facing down the challenges in your life. It is now or never. Your journey towards success doesn’t start tomorrow. It has to start right here, right now, in this very moment. Get up from your chair and start making those choices that will lead you towards the success that you deserve to have. Lace up those tennis shoes and go exercise. Keep cold calling for your business until you get the coveted “yes” that you have been looking for. Call your significant other RIGHT NOW and tell them you just needed them to know that you loved them. Stop telling yourself that making the same choices, doing the same things the same way that you have always done them, is suddenly going to yield different results! You need to let go of your comfortability and start pushing yourself towards mastery!
“You must be willing, at any moment, to sacrifice who you are for what you will become.” – Eric Thomas
Feel like the article is TOO LONG? No worries! Check out the video breakdown of “How to Be a Grownup Podcast”!
I hope you’ve enjoyed the “How to Be a Grownup Podcast!” If you have some takeaways from the interview I missed, SOUND OFF in the comments below.
The Psychology of Motivation: How to Keep Moving Forward Every Day
Discover how daily habits, self-discipline, and a few clever strategies can spark your drive and focus.

You wake up on a typical Monday morning, glance at your clock, and realize it’s time to get moving. How do you summon that inner drive to deal with your responsibilities with a genuine smile on your face? (more…)
8 Powerful Ways To Show Up In Dating & Relationships – Apollonia Ponti

If you are struggling to create clarity in your life then I have created the Addicted2Success academy to support you in getting crystal clear on your next moves in life. Join my mentorship in The Addicted2Success Academy here. The only PROVEN METHOD in the world that allows ANYONE to effortlessly ELEVATE the 8-KEY AREAS of life, is finally being passed down… EXCLUSIVELY, in this Academy.
Apollonia Ponti is a Dating & Relationship Coach for men. She specializes in teaching men to understand what women want, master their attraction skills, and build their confidence in dating or a relationship.
In this Addicted2Success Podcast episode Apollonia shares how you can show up powerfully in Dating and Relationships.
Here is the audio of the podcast:
Mindset #1 You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone
You have clarity in your life about who you are as a person and if you are not going to be desired as a man by a particular person, then you know there is someone else that will desire you. Now I’m not saying that you’re going to be disrespectful and come off harsh and really, really aggressive, but what I do mean is that you just hold your power. You know who you are and you don’t have to prove yourself or you don’t have to say things to get people to like you.
You don’t have to act in a particular way for someone to like you. You know that you showing up as you will be the way people will see you and if they don’t like you, no big deal. You like you and that’s what matters.
Mindset #2 You’re not attached to an outcome, you know that everything will work out, and if it doesn’t, you will be okay
If you go a little bit deeper in this, this means that you’re okay with being alone, right? This means that you, alone, are okay because a lot of times in relationships a lot of people seek validation from another. They seek validation that they are loved, that they are enough but you’re the only person that needs to see yourself as enough to attract that. That’s what I’m saying. Mindset number two is not attached to a specific outcome.
If you like a girl and she’s an amazing girl and you think this is going great blah blah blah, you’re okay if it works out and you’re okay if it doesn’t work out. It’s just the simple act of you not putting pressure because if you put pressure it shows neediness, insecurity, and attachment.
Mindset #3 You look at things as what value can I offer someone or something instead of what can I get out of this because you have a mindset that you know the more that I give the more that I’m going to receive
Now it’s not that you’re saying that you’re going to give someone a piece of you or your time if they’re not going to be respectful or receiving towards it, but you know that you don’t have this attitude that you’re just like, “Okay, what are you giving me? I’m here because you need to be here and you’re giving me something because my time is valuable to me.” No.
Your time is valuable to you, yes, but this is from a different perspective and mindset. You’re like, “Okay, how can I add value to you in your life?” Because you know you’re capable of meeting your own needs and being there for others. It’s less selfish. This comes off so attractive to women and it shows too that you are powerful and that you hold your own pretty well.
Mindset #4 You’re unapologetically honest
I don’t mean that you’re just going to point out and say things like you look fat in that dress or anything like that but you’re going to obviously be honest and open about your own opinions. Women are so attracted to this and I talk about this so much because I just want to get it ingrained in your head. You don’t want to always agree with a woman because one, you’ll fall into friend zone pretty easily when that happens, and two, women test men a lot when it comes to this.
When you’re open and you’re honest about how you feel or have your own opinion about a specific topic that the both of you are talking about, it shows that you are just you showing up for you and not trying to impress her because you are enough and that’s what is impressive to a woman.
Mindset #5 You value your time so this means you also want to see if she’s worth it
There is a difference here. What I mean in value your time is you take your time with her to see if she is worth it for you. A lot of times men fall into just the visual of the woman. Like oh my gosh, she has a nice body, she’s beautiful, she’s this, she’s that, which I’m not saying to dismiss, but what I am saying is understand that those women can be a little bit more intriguing to you when you’re really trying to get to know her on an emotional level, what she has to offer you and who she is as a person if she’s worth a commitment as well.
Instead of just seeing her beauty and thinking, “This one!” This is the mindset you want to always have: no matter how beautiful the woman is or how great the woman is, you have to see if she’s worth it for you to invest your time in and the same goes vice versa. A woman of value is deciding the same thing; are you the type of person she wants to make a commitment to as well.
Mindset #6 You show up powerfully in your own skin
What I mean by this is you just know yourself. I mean I talk about this in mindset number one and mindset number two, but when you show up in your own skin, you walk into places like a lounge or a restaurant or wherever you are, and your chin is up, shoulders are back, and you just confidently know who you are. Women can sense this when a man just knows who he is and he owns it and he’s just powerful in who he is. It shows in how you present yourself.
How do you become powerful? Well, you have to be focused on something that is thriving in your life and you can read my article on how to find your purpose to discover some ideas on how to find your purpose and how you give back. This is significant to your everyday world when it comes to attraction.
Mindset #7 You’re compassionate but you don’t get defensive
There are so many men that I know that get very low on patience. They take automatic offense to something as though if a woman says something she’s being disrespectful and he points fingers back and he automatically gets offended as though he has to defend himself and the world is all against him. This is not compassion. What this actually does to a woman in her mind is it kills attraction all the time. I mean from day one. It’s a huge red flag for a woman. I bring this up because this has happened a lot in coaching sessions and men that I’ve talked to, they’re just like, “I just don’t have patience. I just don’t have the time, blah blah blah blah blah,” but they hold this aspect of not having compassion but also not knowing how to just breathe, take a moment and be like, “All right.
This has nothing to do with me. What’s the worst thing possible that can come out of this? Let me just open this up for discussion,” instead of just pointing fingers and getting so frustrated to the point where you can hear it in their tone. You can see it in their physical being and you can hear the way that they come off and their expressions. Everything changes, their demeanor, their energy, everything.
This is huge in regards to the mindset of a man. You don’t want to let anybody else control your emotions. You are the one that’s in control of your own emotions, right? Meaning, okay someone says something to you to piss you off. You have a choice! You have a choice to either get angry or just look at him and smile and be like, “Damn. You’re having a bad day.” Right? Because of the fact that when you hold your own, it shows so much more confidence that you’re just not reacting and you’re just accepting it and you’re just like, “You’re not going to get to me,” because you control yourself. You control you.
Reacting and taking everything personally can kill attraction instantly. It comes off as unsafe. And that is huge for women, they need to know they can be safe with you. It is your choice in how you choose to respond to the things around you.
Mindset #8 You embrace failures with strength and confidence
We all mistakes in life but you embrace these mistakes and ask yourself how can I be better, what can I learn from this and what would I choose to improve. Let me respond to my mistakes and see how I can fix this so it doesn’t happen again. You don’t get down on yourself and start punishing yourself like, “Oh, you’re not a good guy, you’re horrible, no woman is going to like you. You don’t deserve love.” You don’t say those things to yourself.
When you’re in the dumps you’re like, “Okay fine. I messed up but how am I going to improve with this and how am I going to move forward?” You take the proactive notions and you build the skills so you don’t have this happen to you again.
The Mindset Of A Multiple 7 Figure Entrepreneur – Michael Michalowicz

On this week’s Addicted2Success podcast we have Michael Michalowicz who is an American author, entrepreneur, and lecturer.
He is the author of five business books including Fix This Next, Clockwork, Profit First Revised & Expanded, Surge, Profit First – The Pumpkin Plan and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, is an advocate of a business philosophy by the same name, and is a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal.
Michael is the “Business Rescue” segment host for MSNBC’s Your Business.
He also hosted the reality television program called Bailout!
Listen to this powerful episode with Michael here and get ready to take notes:
Top 12 Addicted2Success Podcast Episodes for You to Listen To

We are almost 6 months into the year and there has been so many great articles, videos and podcast episodes featured on Addicted2Success.
The Addicted2Success podcast is one of the most popular podcasts in the business section of the apple podcast store and we are officially live on Spotify, Stitcher and SoundCloud now so you can’t miss a motivational beat.
Here are the Top 12 Addicted2Success podcast episodes of 2019 for you to listen to
If you feel that any of the below podcasts have inspired you in any way shape or form please share the episodes on your insta stories, facebook, emails or direct message them to your friends as this would be deeply appreciated as we are on a mission to spread powerful self development advice to the world.
1. Dr. Dain Heer – How To Be More Conscious With Your Thoughts, Feelings And Emotions
Dr. Dain Heer is an internationally renowned author, speaker and facilitator of consciousness and change. For over 17 years, he has been inviting people to embrace their true greatness—people from every culture, country, age and social strata of society.
Originally trained as a chiropractor, he has a completely different approach to healing by facilitating people to tap into and recognize their own abilities and knowing.
2. Ashley Hann – 4 Ways To Master Magnetic Confidence
Ashley Hannawacker is an online branding and marketing strategist, author and speaker. Ashley specializes in creating powerful, cohesive online brand experiences and is an expert at making websites that make money.
Ashley is very passionate about personal growth and mindset through which she has led various presentations, coached leadership trainings and written a #1 best selling book: Magnetic Confidence: Attract the Results, Relationships and Life You Want.
3. Jason Stone – The 3 Principles To Building A 6 & 7 Figure Online Business
Jason Stone is widely known by celebrities and almost 2 million people around the world as @Millionaire_Mentor on Instagram. Stone has successfully launched multiple 6 and 7 figure Instagram and Internet platforms and is becoming a well known social media influencer and marketer. Known for his e-commerce success in the automotive industry in his early years with Treadstone Performance Engineering.
4. Les Brown – How To Achieve The Ultimate Level Of Self Motivation
One of the greatest Motivational Speakers of All Time “Les Brown” shares his powerful wisdom on what it takes to face any fear and how to reach the ultimate level of Self Motivation.
Les Brown goes deep in this conversation, he pours his heart and soul into this and keeps this one real and raw. Don’t Miss This!
5. Tony Robbins – 5 Ways To Master Your Money And Impact Millions Of Lives
Advisor to Billionaire’s, Athletes, Celebrities and some of the top leaders in the world! Tony Robbins is the go to guy for Success strategies and Joel Brown had the fortunate opportunity to chat with Tony about achieving success in this half an hour exclusive interview on the Addicted2Success Podcast!
6. Jay Shetty – How To Be Remembered For Your Love & Contribution
Jay Shetty is a philosophical content creator, story teller, Forbes 30 under 30 entrepreneur and former monk who has created a brand and movement that has reached over 1 Billion views and is dedicated to Making Wisdom Go Viral.
7. T. Harv Eker – How Multi-Millionaire’s Think
T. Harv Eker, the Best Selling Author of Secrets of The Millionaire Mind shares his insights and unforgettable advice on creating a life with abundant wealth and success.
The strategies he shares will change the way you view money forever!
8. Peter Sage – How To Live Your Best Life
Peter Sage is a well known international & serial entrepreneur, author, philosopher and teacher. His unique way of looking at and relating to life has inspired tens of thousands of people worldwide to Reinvent themselves.
Whether by improving or turning around a business or developing a new and empowering psychology through practical yet profound shifts in awareness, Peter hopes his insights and teachings can offer something of value to those who seek it.
9. Yahya Bakkar – How To Powerfully Sell Your Story To The World
Yahya Bakkar is a powerhouse speaker and leadership coach.
Yahya has spoken on over 500 stages around the world and he believes in giving you motivational, practical & transformational content to help you become the most courageous, confident and charismatic version of yourself.
10. Ajit Nawalkha – 4 Powerful Mindset Shifts That Will Change Your Life Forever
Speaker, Coach and Author “Ajit Nawalkha” shares his powerful advice on how to create emotional and mental shifts within to achieve more as an entrepreneur so you can move closer to your dreams.
Ajit’s new book “Live Big” is out now. In Live Big: A Guide to Passion, Practicality, and Purpose, Nawalkha shares 25 shifts—changes in your mental, physical, emotional, or even spiritual state—that will propel you on your road to success.
11. Olivia Arezzolo – How To Master Your Sleep For More Success
Australian Sleep Specialist Olivia Arezzolo shares her powerful advice for achieving more success through better sleep. Olivia writes for some of the world’s top publications on the power of sleep routines and how to live a more empowered life with new and healthy habits.
12. Grant Cardone – How To Increase Your Hunger For Success
Grant Cardone shares his advice on what it takes to be obsessed with your success. Get your hands on Grant Cardone’s New Book “Be Obsessed or Be Average” now.
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