In the summer of 2016, I ran a Spartan race. For those of you who might not know what a Spartan race is, it’s an obstacle...
The decisions you make, and don’t make, make you. Think about it. Did you make the call or make the excuse? Stay or leave? Stand up...
A few years ago, a customer in my software business paid upfront for a round of changes to their custom software application. It wasn’t an issue...
Entrepreneurship should be a goal for everyone. While we all have to be employed in order to earn money, we must remember that we can’t just...
For most people, negative emotions feel like a scary monster under the bed. You try to ignore the monster by hiding your face under the covers,...
A vision is built deep down in the heart to form a bridge between your present reality and your future self. Therefore it is so important...
With the current state of our society, the violence, the hate being promoted and the unrest of the world and it’s relationships with one another, one...