10 Ways to Super Charge Your Motivation in 10 Minutes

You want to make waves don’t you?
Become a CEO; build a super-successful startup; write a bestseller.
But do you ever have those moments? When you doubt whether you will achieve your goals? When you wonder if it’s worth it? All your hard work, all the sacrifices you are making?
You are in good company!
Every successful entrepreneur I have known have their moments of self-doubt.
But you know what the same people do really well?
They have ways to quickly get back in the game. They shake off their self-doubt and plunge right back into the fight. Because they know that the only thing that really stands between them and their goals are their limiting beliefs. And if they want to reach the stars, they can’t waste a single minute of their time.
What if you could do the same? What if you could quickly banish your moments of self-doubt and return to your quest with renewed motivation?
Here are 10 ways to supercharge your motivation in just 10 minutes…
1. Put Jobs on the job
Watching a Steve Jobs interview is every bit as energizing as a rock concert. It makes many of us want to put our own ‘dent in the universe’.
Who are the titans that inspire you? Mark Cuban? Jack Welch? Keep a few of their interview videos or podcasts in your phone. 10 minutes of listening to their words is all you need to get back in the game.
2. Get Physical
Our bodies have an astonishing influence on our mood. Doing a few pushups or a quick round of shadow boxing will give you a rush of adrenaline and set your heart racing.
And no, you don’t need training in boxing to throw a few punches! You just need to invoke your motivation to fight. Bring out the warrior in you and clash with your challenges head on.
3. Power Song
Do you have a song that can magically lift your mood? A ‘power song’ that you just have to shake your body to? Think ‘Rocky’ or ‘Superman’ soundtracks or anything else that gets you moving.
Keep a playlist of power songs on your phone that you can switch on anytime.
4. Borrow some Energy
Motivation is contagious. Just pick up the phone and call a friend or colleague who’s doing really well.
10 minutes of hearing about their success stories is all that it will take for you to hang up and get back to work!
If they can do it, why can’t you?
5. Write down your BHAGs
You might have SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time Bound), but do you have BHAGs? (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals).
Your BHAGs should stretch the limits of your potential. They are long term goals that challenge you to think way outside your comfort zone. Write your BHAGS in large letters and place the sheet where you can see it multiple times during the day.
6. Get a Quick Win
When the odds look overwhelming, get a quick win. Do a quick task from your to-do list, perhaps a task that you had kept on the backburner.
How does this work? By giving you a feeling of progress. If you are feeling stuck, a small feeling of momentum is often all that you might need to recharge your motivational batteries.
7. Rewind and Flashback
Are you ignoring your past successes? Haven’t you cracked some really tough challenges in the past?
Think about your past successes and give yourself a part on the back. You can simply visualize them or you can write them down. It might be a great idea to keep a list of achievements and milestones in your computer that you can look at occasionally.
8. Make a Movie
Why are you doing all this? What are the rewards along your journey?
Take 10 minutes to close your eyes and visualize the rewards that lie ahead. Play a mental movie visualizing yourself in the future, reaping the rewards of your adventures. The more specific details your mental movie has, the more motivated you will feel.
9. Visit the Idea Factory
When you feel stuck, a great way to feel motivated is to churn out new ideas. These ideas can pertain to the current problem that you are facing, or they can be about your business strategy as a whole. Just keep writing down as many ideas as you can in 10 minutes.
The point of this exercise is not to arrive at a groundbreaking solution. Rather, it’s to energize you and make you remember the fact that there are a million possibilities out there. Just remember that you will figure out a way to achieve your goals, no matter what!
10. Use your X-Ray Vision
This is probably the least ‘flashy’ method but this works miracles for me.
Just take a look around you right now…do you see a successful business?
A pen, a table, a phone, a computer, a building. Each of those things is made by a company which at one point of time started really small! A company which is now running successfully and is growing.
In fact, wherever you look, you will see signs of success. Often by people who may be far less intelligent and started with far fewer resources than you have.
Ask yourself a simple question: If they are succeeding, why can’t you?
Keep Moving Forward
Most people will not believe in you and your dreams, and that’s ok. It’s also ok if you doubt yourself from time to time.
But, what is not ok, is if you don’t push ahead even during those moments of self-doubt. That’s what distinguishes the successful from the average…they keep moving forward no matter what.
Which of these methods will you use to get a quick burst of motivation? What other methods can you think of?
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8 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Be More Decisive

Tackling Procrastination and Indecisiveness
Hi, Joel Brown here. As the person behind Addicted to Success and Mind Strong, I’m often asked about tackling procrastination and making swift, effective decisions. It’s a common struggle in today’s world, where distractions are endless.
Procrastination often creeps in when we’re bombarded with social media notifications, breaking news, and the hustle of daily life. This leads to a fear-driven indecision, where we’re paralyzed by the thought of failure or judgment.
Here’s a video breakdown of how to stop procrastinating and be more decisive if you are more of a visual person:
Embracing Speed and Momentum to Stop Procrastination
One of the most impactful lessons in my journey is understanding the role of speed in overcoming procrastination. A mentor of mine, a highly successful individual, always emphasized:
“Success loves speed, and money loves momentum.”
This principle is crucial in combating procrastination. It’s about seizing opportunities quickly, not just for financial gain, but for the invaluable experiences and connections they bring.
Understanding Analysis Paralysis: A Key to Overcoming Procrastination
A major hurdle in decision-making is what’s commonly known as analysis paralysis, a significant form of procrastination. It happens when our decision-making process, governed by the prefrontal cortex, gets overwhelmed. To break free from this form of procrastination, try calming techniques like deep breathing. It’s surprising how such simple steps can clear a cluttered mind and help you move past procrastination.
The Long-Term Effects of Procrastination and Indecision
Procrastination isn’t just about putting off decisions; it can lead to a reduced sense of life satisfaction over time.
In a conversation I had with Tony Robbins, we discussed how the quality of our lives hinges on the quality of our decisions.
Therefore, overcoming procrastination and indecision is vital for a fulfilling life.
My Top Strategies for Beating Procrastination
- Seek Guidance from the Experienced: To combat procrastination, connect with people who’ve achieved the goals you’re aiming for. Their experience can be a guiding light when you’re stuck in indecision.
- Use Deadlines as Anti-Procrastination Tools: Setting deadlines is a powerful way to break the cycle of procrastination. They create a sense of urgency that pushes you into action.
- Accept Imperfection to Move Past Procrastination: Understand that no one is perfect, and that includes you. Accepting this can alleviate the pressure that often leads to procrastination.
Identify Your Procrastination Type to Find Solutions
Procrastination manifests in various forms. I’ve developed a quiz (find it at to help you identify your specific type of procrastination. Understanding your personal procrastination style is a crucial step in addressing it effectively.
Additional Tips on Making Quality Decisions and Beating Procrastination
When it comes to decision-making, it’s important to not get too bogged down in analyzing pros and cons. While analysis is important, excessive scrutiny can lead to procrastination. Trusting your intuition often plays a crucial role in breaking free from procrastination.
Handling Major Life Choices Without Procrastination
For significant decisions in life, whether in your career or personal relationships, procrastination can be particularly challenging.
To address this, break down these big decisions into smaller steps. Assess the potential outcomes realistically to understand that often, the fear of a negative outcome is more intimidating than the actual consequences.
Conclusion: Your Journey Away from Procrastination Begins Now
To wrap up, remember that overcoming procrastination and indecision is about understanding your own patterns, seeking wise counsel, setting deadlines, and embracing your imperfections. It’s time to start making those impactful decisions and enjoying the journey of life.
Whether it’s through the Mind Strong Academy or my procrastination quiz, I’m here to guide you on your path to decisive action.
I believe in your ability to conquer procrastination and live a life of purposeful decisions.
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