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7 Habits That Helped My Daily Productivity

Embrace these habits to optimize your workflow and foster personal and professional growth



Image Credit: Midjourney

As an entrepreneur who works from home, I used to sometimes struggle with motivation and productivity. After doing a bit of research and spending some time testing out different strategies, I have compiled a list of habits that really help me with my productivity. 

And if they help me, hopefully, they will help you too!

Check them out below.

1. Establish a Morning Routine

A consistent morning routine can set a positive tone for the day and help you mentally prepare for the challenges ahead. Develop a ritual that suits your preferences, such as reading, yoga, or enjoying a healthy breakfast. A well-established morning routine can lead to increased productivity and a more balanced lifestyle. For inspiration and some additional ideas, check out the great book entitled Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg.

2. Drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining optimal brain function and overall health. As an entrepreneur, drinking plenty of water can help improve concentration, reduce fatigue, and promote clear thinking. Make a habit of carrying a reusable water bottle with you and set reminders to take regular sips throughout the day. I bought a Berkey water filter which sits on my countertop, and it’s now the first thing I go to in the morning after waking up.

3. Use an App like Notion or ClickUp for Daily Tasks

Managing your daily tasks effectively is vital for maintaining productivity. Apps like Notion and ClickUp offer user-friendly platforms to organize your tasks, set deadlines, and track progress. By utilizing these tools, you can streamline your workflow and ensure that nothing slips through the cracks. I like to add sections for different members of staff, so we can all see the tasks or projects on hand at any given time.

“Productivity is the deliberate, strategic investment of your time, talent, intelligence, energy, resources, and opportunities in a manner calculated to move you measurably closer to meaningful goals.” – Dan S. Kennedy

4. Exercise

Regular exercise is proven to boost energy levels, improve cognitive function, and enhance overall well-being. Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, such as a morning jog or a session at the gym. Exercise can help you stay focused, manage stress, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. For me, I love to go surfing, which is the perfect blend of physical exercise, mindfulness, and connecting with nature. I try to go first thing in the morning, and while it’s not always possible – there might not be any waves or the wind or tide might not be right. If this is the case, a blast on a bike, treadmill, or even a yoga session really sets me up for the day ahead. 

5. Get into Nature

Spending time in nature has numerous mental health benefits, including reduced stress, improved mood, and increased creativity. Take breaks to step outside, go for a walk in a park, or even work in a green space when possible. Connecting with nature can help you recharge and find inspiration for your entrepreneurial endeavors. Such a simple thing to do, yet many of us (me included) forget to even get outside some days! Luckily for me, I live near a trail that meanders along the coastline which is totally underdeveloped. In 5 minutes I can be on the trail, walking and just listening to the sound of the ocean and the chirping of birds. 

6. Use a Stand-Up Desk

A stand-up desk can be a game-changer for your productivity and overall health. Standing while working can improve posture, reduce the risk of obesity and heart disease, and increase alertness. By alternating between sitting and standing throughout the day, you can maintain your energy levels and stay engaged with your work. You can get desks now that can be set up to stand, or sit, and I would highly recommend checking these out. IKEA even stock one, last time I checked!  

Bonus Hack! Get an under-the-desk treadmill to really burn those calories

7. Delegate

Delegating tasks to your team members is crucial for managing your workload and staying focused on high-priority tasks. Learn to trust your team’s capabilities and empower them to take on responsibilities. Delegating effectively can help you maintain productivity, prevent burnout, and create a more efficient work environment.

In conclusion, adopting these seven strategies can significantly enhance your productivity as an entrepreneur. Even if only a few of these ideas work for you and you create a more efficient and balanced work environment, I’d take that as a win. Try to embrace these habits to optimize your workflow and foster personal and professional growth, which will ultimately pave the way for success on your entrepreneurial journey.

Matt Hapgood is a father, surfer, and entrepreneur. He has worn many hats in his career, from being a removal guy in Vancouver to teaching elementary kids in the UK, as well as a parking valet in the French Alps. He’s the founder and main contributor to and is currently living in the Algarve, Portugal.

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