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6 Steps to Uncover Your Inner Greatness



find your greatness

Have you ever wondered how another highly successful person can help you channel your inner greatness to phenomenal success? Do you want to get more in touch with your own inner greatness?

Everyday and all over the world people are doing amazing things. There are people who have mastered their passions and who are achieving some magnificent results. Likely there is an expert who is doing exactly what you would want to be doing right now.

These people are not super-human or somehow unreachable, but rather they do everyday things and have strategies that you can learn to be highly successful as well.

Here are the 6 steps that you can take for uncovering your inner greatness:

1. Define exactly what you want

Often people have no idea what they want in life and they are miserable because of it. The first step is to define exactly what it is that you want. When you make it clear what you are after your mind has a definite goal in mind that it can shoot for and propel you towards. Often times luck or coincidence will just appear giving you just the opportunities you need.

“There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.” –Napoleon Hill

2. Find out who has done it before you

The key is to research and get an understanding of who has actually done what you want to do in life rather than the people who just talk about it. Take your time to get a good understanding of the experts who know about becoming the person you want to become. Choose your expert carefully. Find the best. Ask yourself, “Would I really want to become just like this person?”


3. Absorb all of this expert’s content

Whether it is a YouTube channel, a blog, or any free content that your expert has, start there and absorb all of it. You want to consume as much information possible from this teacher of yours so that you can get a feel for this person’s inner mindsets as well as what they do to get amazing results.

You want to aim for being this teacher’s best student. You will already know all of that person’s concepts and ideas before going on to the next level.


4. Bring the expert into your life

If you can be friends with the expert or could have them as a coach I would highly encourage doing so. Huge growth can happen when you get a coach or align with positive influences who can push you to new heights.

When you get a coach or mentor they will be able to teach you new things, but more importantly they can take you to a higher level of thinking and they will push you to become even better.

Often when you are pursuing this new skill you will attract new friends and people into your life who are going after just what you want. This is an amazing time to befriend the person who has the skills you are looking for.


5. Go learn something inversely related

Testing all of your newfound knowledge and skills with something contradictory yet still related will be the test that propels you even further. Two areas of life such as relationships and mixed martial arts, or weight lifting and getting good at business is how you can relate this one.

This is important so that you will at first see these subjects as completely different and unrelated, but soon you will find that the key underlying principles for having success in one area will lead you to success in this new area.

By mastering more subjects that don’t seem related you will find yourself to grow even more in your knowledge and application of your first skill set.


6. Teach your skill in the original craft to others

Probably the most important thing that you can do to propel yourself to be an expert on any subject is to go out and teach on that subject.

When you teach others your knowledge you have to be an expert. In addition you apply yourself with the basics, allowing yourself to go back through your own learning process to teach it to others. This allows you to go deeper in all the knowledge that you have acquired on the subject.

When you teach your newfound skill and knowledge to others it will lead you to even further progression of bringing out your inner greatness.

“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”- Zig Ziglar

Which steps do you need to take to uncover your inner greatness? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section below!

Shawn Schweier runs Smoke Free Wellness. He takes smokers who have tried and failed to quit for years to non-smokers in 8 weeks or less. He does this through hypnosis and a private community group. For more information check out his website here:



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