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5 Ways To Be Happier Than A Bird With A French Fry



5 Ways To Be Happier Than A Bird With A French Fry

Imagine that you’re an ordinary pigeon scouring the earth for food. You’ve searched high and low for anything that can bring you satisfaction, because well, your very existence depends on it.

Now imagine that you, still an ordinary pigeon, have stumbled upon a stash of french fries, tossed by the wayside. How would you feel? Instantly you’d feel like an eagle soaring through the sky, untouchable… and also very full!

We all want to live a happier, more fulfilling life. Although genuine happiness is a universal desire, it means many different things for different people. Happiness and fulfillment may come in the form of family, monetary success, or even a dream career or job. Nevertheless, it is the pursuit of happiness that we all yearn for, just as a pigeon yearns for the day he catches that french fry.

Here are 5 ways on how to find happiness in your life:


1. Spend money on experiences

We live in a materialistic culture that emphasizes having a lot of “stuff” and also spending a lot of money on keeping up said “stuff.” Whether it’s a stash of gadgets, handbags, or even a fancy sports car – all that stuff and its subsequent is stressful!

One way you can bring more happiness into your life is to spend your money on experiences, instead of things. Instead of buying a new laptop for Christmas, perhaps try spending your money on opera tickets, or save up for a tropical vacation! Just the anticipation itself of doing something different will give you a boost in happiness.

“It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.” – Charles Spurgeon

2. Give more

In addition to spending money on experiences, studies show that we are also happier when we spend money on other people. Even just spending time on other people by volunteering can make you feel less stressed and isolated, and more connected to the world.

Kindness really goes a long way. Simply reflecting on the nice things you’ve done for others over time, can lift your mood. So, practice some compassion today and give without question!


3. Take care of your body

Your health is a key factor in your pursuit of happiness. There are two key ways you can take care of your body that will make you feel happier almost instantly: sleeping and exercising more. Exercising in particular plays a big part in happiness, because when you exercise, your body releases chemicals in the brain called endorphins.

Endorphins are the chemicals that trigger a feeling of positivity throughout your body! So get up and get moving! Twenty minutes a day should do the trick. We also know that sleep at night helps our bodies to recover and repair from the day, but studies show that the more you sleep, the less sensitive you’ll be to negative emotions! You’ll be less reactive to those daily nuisances and in a better mood all around.


4. Go outside

Get out of your house, get out of your office, get out of whatever building it is that you spend the majority of your time in, and GO OUTSIDE! Taking a little time out of your day to be with nature, enjoying the scenery around you will no doubt put you in a positive mood.

Take your lunch break outside, or go for an afternoon walk around the block. There’s no reason to be cooped up all day long!


5. Do more of what you love

This is by the far the quickest, easiest way to get more happiness in your life. Make a list of what you love; then, make a list of what you do everyday. Compare the lists, and then adjust accordingly! If painting, writing, or working on cars is what brings you the most happiness, then why aren’t you doing more of it?

It’s that simple! You don’t have to make a career out of it, but if it’s what your heart yearns for, then doing more of it as often as you can will bring you joy.


Thank you for reading my article! I would love to hear what helps with your happiness in the comment section below!


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