Being human is bloody hard work. When you’re born, no one gives you a rulebook. There’s no manual for life or the body and mind you’ve...
Yes, we do feel motivated by reading quotes and watching movies like The Pursuit of Happiness and Soul Surfer. The protagonist makes you feel you are...
We all start somewhere. We may not know what our dream is to begin with. This was certainly the case for me back in 2011. I’d...
Did you start your business so you could scrape by and live hand-to-mouth for the rest of your life? Of course not. You want to thrive,...
Today was one of the best days of my life. The last month, in fact, has been a dream. I’ve had to pinch myself to make...
Success is not that difficult to attain, but only if you are ready to make an effort. To live a successful life, it is important to...
For this entire year, I have been asked why I have zero goals. That’s right. You heard right. I write all about personal development and how...