Writing was never my thing. I didn’t think of it as an art although in school I was told I was good at it. I never...
Many solo entrepreneurs make good six-figure income living selling products and services online. If you’re a technical person, it’s even better, as you can create a...
It’s time for some good news! You’re only ever lacking in three areas and guess what? You can turn those 3 things around relatively easily and...
It takes more than just hard work, grinding and strategies to become successful. Do you actually know what subtle changes to make in order to reach...
Wow, it sucks to go through another breakup, especially as it’s been less than a year since the last one! I thought I would never date...
I struggled with many aspects of life early on such as growing up in challenging circumstances and getting bullied at school. I read my first self-development...
A popular meme reads: “I’m having people over to stare at their phones later if you want to come by…” It’s kind of funny in an...