Procrastination and self-doubt are two of the biggest killers of dreams and goals. I’ve been there more than once in my life regarding some important goal...
I’ve been blogging since 2014 and I wanted to share with you what it’s like. This serves two purposes: one it might inspire you to do...
A recent study by Purdue University found that there’s an income line an individual must meet so that life feels more enjoyable. The study that was...
There’s a hell of a lot of complaining going on. All of you want to live your passion or say that’s what you want. Then you...
Have you ever wondered how successful people always have their way? When they speak, everyone listens. If they have a request, they meet ZERO resistance. Whatever...
Have you ever seen one of those videos on social media showing how you’ve been using certain products, or eating certain foods, wrong your whole life?...
With all the self-improvement overload of information we get, we’re told that we must have goals. Goals are important and I personally set them 12 months...