Communication was never a strong suit for me while growing up. I was extremely insecure within myself so naturally, the objective of my communication was to...
We all have this fairy-tale life we want. We scroll our newsfeed daily and tell ourselves “One day that will be me.” One day never happens....
The super successful think differently and act differently. Like anything, these results can be mimicked in your own life. There is a list of ideas that...
The biggest problem with meditation is that you can have the best intentions, but it just doesn’t get done. Most people’s minds are going at a...
Everybody is claiming to be an expert these days. While I am not against the idea of being an expert, I have grown more skeptical of...
It turns out entrepreneurs have many similar personality traits. That’s probably not too surprising, however, these traits are not evenly distributed. Different entrepreneurs possess different levels...
Whenever I talk to people about how they set goals for themselves, the first barriers they cite to progress are often their own mental roadblocks. They...