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11 Signs You’re A Piss-Weak Entrepreneur.



We’ve all met plenty of entrepreneurs whose names are not worth printing on a business card because they’re piss weak and borderline morons.

You may even be one of these such people yourself.

Here are the signs you’re a piss weak entrepreneur:

You treat your team like “workers.”

People don’t “work” for you young massier. They’re human beings with their own goals and families to feed. They don’t exist to serve you because you think your faecal matter doesn’t smell bad. They’re not going to follow you unless you lead them.

Leading people starts with treating them right. Get over yourself and your “personal brand.”

You make threats.

Like “I’m going to tell such and such some lies about you unless you hurry up and give me what you want.”

Nice one pal. Making threats is what you do on the playground, not what you do in business. Making threats is how you piss a lot of people off and ensure everyone is trash talking you behind your back.

It’s all about you and what you created.

We’ve heard your startup story a hundred times, and frankly, it still sucks because it’s all about you. What you created is not that brilliant.

In the Internet age, all of us can make money if we really want to. You haven’t figured out the one secret to life; all you’ve figured out is how to make some money, and that too will cease if you keep being a dick.

“What we’re all thinking is: “I don’t care what you built. How does it help me?”

Answer that question and you might have a chance padawan.

You’re poor with money.

Specifically, you buy useless crap like cars, clothes and houses to impress people. That’s a poor person mindset because none of this will give you the one thing you crave: significance.

“Pulling your head out of where the sun doesn’t shine and adding value to our lives is how you get rich”

You talk down to people.

Thinking you’re better than us all and shooting your mouth off is the ugliest form of human behavior that exists. Talking down to people will bring down the empire you’ve built at the same time. The problem for you is that your empire will crumble slowly, so you’ll probably not see what’s going on.

First, one thing will go wrong, then another. Before you know it, you’ll have no revenue, no staff and no one paying attention to your business. Be kind. Be humble. Be nice. Or you’ll fail.

You’re lazy.

You actually have to work. Didn’t anyone tell you the laptop lifestyle was a joke?

I know I sound like Gary Vee but that’s because he’s right. You have to put in the work to build a business that is successful and sustainable long term. There’s no Internet or tech business that just prints free bitcoins and makes you wealthy. Use your brain man.

You think you know people.

No one cares who you know or who you’re connected to. Your buddies will drop like flies if they find out you’re a weak ass entrepreneur that treats people like garbage. People will be your friend and then as soon as you make them look like morons, they’ll quickly desert you.

Knowing people so you can get stuff that you don’t deserve is not a recipe for success. It’s called using and no one will let you get away with that long-term.

“Unless you understand mutual value, you’ll never understand business”

You think it’s about the next 12 months.

That’s a very limited vision. No good business is built in 12 months. Most start to find their way after 5 years. Go back to the “How To Be An Entrepreneur Course” that sold you this false advice and ask for your money back. There’s no such thing as overnight success.

What you did today can be completely disrupted and turned upside down in 2 years. Don’t become complacent.

You spend too much time on LinkedIn.

Businesses are not created and managed through LinkedIn. I know the red notification button get’s you excited but eventually people will get sick of your ego and your “online brand” if you never deliver any value. You do that through execution, and social media can’t do that for you.

Only you can execute and that requires you to do business instead of talking about it on LinkedIn.

You think you’re genius.

You aren’t that smart. So you found one hack, one arbitrage, one marketing strategy. That’s not enough. A startup that lasts has multiple pillars and consistently looks for new ways to solve problems.

“A correction in the stock markets knocks all these so-called genius entrepreneurs flat on their backside and forces them back to a day job”

Thinking about how good you are is deluding you from the fact that you are currently a weak ass entrepreneur. Wake up and then you might see the truth.

You think your business is unique.

It’s not. Someone has already thought of whatever it is that you’re doing. Your idea means nothing. Executing is the lead indicator followed by traction.

Before you go

If any of this sounds like you, then all I have to say is quit being piss weak. Change your ways. Take a long hard look at yourself. Think about the legacy you’re creating or what value you’re creating for the human race.

Then make some changes, and get on with it.

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