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Why Diversifying Your Portfolio Can Make You More Money and How to Do It

Diversification is key to keeping yourself protected in a highly volatile sector



How to diversify your portfolio to save money

When you put your cash into the stock market, there is a 1-in-4 chance that you’ll lose money, regardless of the year. This can lead to significant loss, especially if you are still a beginner who does not know how to choose the right stocks. A change in the market can also lead to failure, despite how much care and thought you gave into choosing your investments.

This is where portfolio diversification can come to your help, as it offers you the safety net you need to minimize loss. In this article, we will talk more about diversification and how to take full advantage of it as an investor.

Why Is Diversification Important?

As a beginner investor, you may feel tempted to stick to one type of asset that you are familiar with. For example, some go for real estate stocks, while others prefer assets in the pharmaceutical market. The latter can seem appealing to some, especially as this sector is on the rise after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The problem is that if one market crashes, there will be nothing else for you to fall on. Think about the great market crash of 2008. Before that, the housing sector seemed so promising, with many people placing their investments in this industry. However, only a few predicted this crash, the others being taken fully by surprise. Anyone with real estate assets saw a great loss, leading to a recession.

To prevent this from happening again, a good failsafe is not to keep all your eggs in the same basket. Because if the basket drops, all of them will be ruined. Instead, you have to keep things separate and diversified so that it won’t affect you as much if there is another crash. It helps your risk management, as you still have other options to fall back on, acting as a safety net.

What Should a Diversified Portfolio Contain?

This type of portfolio requires different assets with the potential to bring passive income. It can contain a harmonious blend of domestic stocks, bonds, and short-term investments such as CDs (certificates of deposit) or money market funds. Cryptocurrency has also seen a surge in popularity, with more and more investors adding it to their portfolios.

You need to remember that diversification is not just limited to traditional assets such as stocks and bonds. Modern passive income methods should also be added to it. For instance, if you have extra bandwidth you are not using; you can use bandwidth-sharing apps to earn money passively. Their popularity has increased, especially as many people are enjoying unlimited internet plans.

Top Tips to Diversify Your Portfolio

This process is quite straightforward as long as you are open to it. Here are a few good ways to balance your investments and manage your risks: 

1. Consider More than Two Investment Types

Very often, when people put together a diversified portfolio, they think about two alternatives: stocks and bonds. Financial advisors have advised on a ratio containing these two for a long time now, and it indeed brings benefits. However, this can help you think outside the box so you can boost your profit. From equities to crypto and commodities, multiple investments can lead to stronger safety nets.

2. Consider Index Funds

If you’re looking toward a diversified portfolio but don’t want to make the investments yourself, then you should keep index funds in mind. Also referred to as mutual funds, this investment form pools investor money into various assets (usually bonds and stocks). With this method, you invest in the market, so make sure you go for multiple industries in case the current one crashes.

3. Set Some Cash Aside

Diversification does not mean that all your money must go into investments. The market is always prone to fluctuation, and the cash can be there to save you. A good tip would be to put that money into a certificate of deposit (CD) or a high-yield savings account. The sum will remain yours, but you’ll earn more interest as it is sitting there.

4. Try Alternative Investments 

As of late, millennials and Generation Z representatives are moving away from the stock market and going for alternative investments. This is because the volatility is lower while offering multiple investment types. You can go for ETFs, stocks, collectibles, gold, and more. Focus on different industries to keep the risk as low as possible.

Diversification is key to keeping yourself protected in a highly volatile sector. Remember, the market is constantly changing, which is why you should revise your portfolio regularly. Consider your goals and milestones, making adjustments accordingly so that your earnings reach their full potential.

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