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Success Advice

The Number One Investment in the New Year. Hint: It Isn’t Bitcoin or Real Estate




This is the number one investment all millionaires can agree with…Have you guessed what it is yet? The biggest investment you can make in the New Year is not a house, or a car, or a new diet program even if these are all good things.

The biggest investment you can make which all millionaires can agree with is yourself.

Surprise! Setting up yourself to succeed for the New Year isn’t always easy. I always believed that words mean nothing if it isn’t backed up with action. The more words people say, the more likely they’re not going to follow through with it. Hustle in silence. Focus on the results.

As an entrepreneur for the future, here are the top three things worth investing in every New Year’s:

Investing in your time and money

Plan your new year by the quarter. Set goals. Be realistic. Have quarterly goals and monthly goals, which include meeting new people and budgeting your finances.

Networking Goals:

Be very specific about them and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What type of people do you want to meet and from what industries?
  • How many people do you want to meet with whom you’d actually want to establish relationships with – with a regular follow-up in mind?

Financial Goals:

  • Have a marketing budget – with an evaluated quarter-by-quarter and month-by-month basis.

  • Know the exact amount of profits you want to make that is measurable in scale in comparison with the previous year.

“People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.” – Earl Nightingale

Investing in your personal development

When it comes to changing your mindset from mediocre to millionaire, it really starts with education. There’s a ton of things you can start with from reading books, to attending conferences and listening to podcasts.

Whenever you’re making a new purchase whether it’s a new book, magazine or a ticket to an event, instead of thinking ‘I can’t afford this,’ think ‘how can I afford this’. Doesn’t that sound better?

More importantly, you can think about it like this – how much am I worth? Am I worth this much to invest in for my personal development in the long run?

  • Read more books. Think of it as an investment instead of a purchase. ‘I am investing in a $20 dollar book for my future that will be worth more than this.
  • Reach out. Ask a mentor at a high level what they are reading. Imitate their reading habits and see where that takes you (hint: higher than the level you are now).
  • Journal. Don’t forget to log those gold nuggets. Always listen and be on the lookout for what resonates with you motivationally and run with it and see how far you go.

Investing in your business growth

Investing in your personal growth can almost automatically translate to your business growth. Your personal mindset has changed, so it can now trickle down to other areas of your life including your interpersonal and professional life – which of course includes your business.

Here are the following benefits of conferences in acquiring new keys to success:

  • Plan out two to three conferences – business conferences, not Comic Con. Two events that I already have planned out for the new year are these two:
    • Massive Success Breakthrough (MSB) in February
    • Thrive Conference
  • Journaling – even just one takeaway, one gold nugget – that sticks with you can make your whole year.
  • Networking – meeting various different people throughout the conferences can be the very people who can connect or even mentor you that can help you accomplish your goals and take them to the next level.

“The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.” – Melody Beattie

Bottom line guys, investing in yourself is paramount. Sure, taking action and failing forward is important. However, investing in your personal and professional growth will catapult the growth of your entrepreneurial mindset and business. Your business only grows when you grow.

How are you investing in yourself on a daily basis? Let us know in the comments below!

Jeff Rollon is a real estate professional, author, speaker, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. While he loves building businesses and working with his mastermind group, his true passion is maximizing life experiences, human potential, and bringing value to relationships and lives. To connect with Jeff, head over to his Facebook page.

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