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Success Advice

The 7 Habits Of Highly Respected People



Richard Branson Tony Robbins Oprah Winfrey

We all have role models– people we admire and strive to emulate.

Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins…What sets them apart? After all, they’re just human like everyone else right?

They’ve cultivated the right habits. And we can do exactly the same.

Respect is earned, not demanded.

Here are 7 habits of highly respected people:


1. Acknowledge

Highly respected people enter a room and acknowledge each person in close proximity, not just those in their ‘click.’ They don’t shake hands with one or two and give a head nod to the rest. They take time smile and look at every person in the eye.

Try that next time you attend an event. Acknowledge, look them in the eye, and give a warm smile.


2. Live In The Background

Highly respected people don’t chase after the spotlight. They do the work because they believe in it. They add value to others and contribute to the world even if their efforts go unnoticed. Intrinsic value is found in doing the work. They can smile and be at peace when they lay their heads down at night.

Do what you do because you believe in it, not for fifteen minutes of fame.


3. Appreciation

Taking time out to send a thank you email or writing a short note. Highly respected people extend gratitude and appreciate the efforts of others. While their work may go unnoticed, they make sure the efforts of others do not. They know that a simple thank you can brighten up someone’s day.

It doesn’t take much time to pass a little thank you note to someone. And There’s never a shortage of people that we can be thankful for.


4. The Shirt Off Their Back

Sharing is not only caring, but respected. Highly respected people have a mindset of giving and generosity. They recognise that their life has been enriched through the generosity of others and are constantly “paying it forward.” They understand that you reap what you sow, that the good life is a two-way street.

Simon Sinek’s book, Leader’s Eat Last was inspired by his time observing the Marines. In the Marines, the officers eat last. Indeed the camaraderie and bond within the Marines is unmatched for this very reason. The powerful culture is built off the virtue of selflessness.

You can create that very culture by practicing a simple act of generosity today. Try it. Pay for someone’s lunch or dinner.


5. The Bottom Up

Getting in the trenches with everyone else. The highly respected person doesn’t see themselves above everyone else. If they see trash, they simply pick it up rather than call the janitor.

Guy Kawasaki in his Ted Talk points out that Steve Jobs did demos on Apple’s products. He was not only the mind behind the innovations but also the hands that operated them. He knew the business from the bottom up. He didn’t live in an ivory tower.

Whatever context you are involved with, don’t be afraid of getting your hands dirty.


6. Bigger Than Themselves

Highly respected people have goals and a mission in life that extends beyond themselves. They seek corporate profit, not merely individual profit. They want victory, but shared victory; Striving to change their life, so they can change others.

Set goals that bring about more than self-gratification. Think in terms of legacy and impact. Be blessed so that you can be a blessing. Work for abundance so that you may give abundantly.


7. Let Actions Do The Talking

They don’t make empty promises, but deliver every time. Highly respected people turn up and get the job done, and then talk about it later, if ever. They’re never late. They’re more walk and less talk. They’d rather show than tell. They understand that eloquent speech and fancy pitches are pointless without actions.

Do you have an action plan to go with your great idea?

Begin to cultivate these habits and earn the respect of the people around you today. With respect comes trust. That combination allows you to make a tremendous impact on somebody’s life.


Leaders Respect

A refugee from Vietnam, raised in Australia, with a BA from Texas, Thai writes for many publications including The Huffington Post,, and Addicted2Success. A professional chef, international kickboxer, and spiritual teacher, Thai is passionate about helping people become the best version of themselves. Signup for his free weekly Infographics at | Connect @ThaiWins | On Facebook 



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