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Success Advice

How Walt Disney Can Help You Become Successful



Walt Disney Quote Success

The Secrets To Success: Bootlegging Disney

Before anyone panics, this is not an article about stealing Disney Classics, it’s about duplicating the success of one of the world’s greatest Entrepreneurs. It’s about Walt Elias Disney himself. Have you ever wondered how he managed to create such an overwhelmingly successful enterprise? Of course, we know he was tenacious and hard working but so are many others who don’t achieve the same level of success as Walt Disney. What are some of the thoughts and actions that made Walt, the man, so special and could we duplicate them in today’s business environment with the same upward mobility?




Walt Disney Picture QuoteBy continuing education, I simply mean reading. Walt once said,

“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”

There’s little doubt that Walt loved books, the legacy he left behind is like his own treasure map to the things he loved.  The level of success beyond college graduation is often in direct correlation to the amount of time spent reading. Read fiction, non-fiction, biographies and ‘how-to’s’ ….just never stop learning. Power comes from knowledge and knowledge comes from books.  It always has and always will.




“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

I have no idea what the circumstances were when Walt said that but it’s a golden nugget of truth.  We love to dream and talk about plans.  Walt dreamed, talked and planned but he actually got up and worked too.

“Everyone falls down.  Getting back up is how you learn.”

In today’s world, we’re often hampered by difficult regulations, costs, bad business partners and/or any number of negative events.  Is this truly different than Walt’s day?  Probably not as much as we would like to think.  The rights to his first cartoon were more or less stolen from him.  He didn’t pout in his easy chair for the rest of his life.  He got back up and Mickey Mouse was born.

“People often ask me if I know the secret of success and if I could tell others how to make their dreams come true.  My answer is, you do it by working.”

This is, or should be, common sense. After all, Walt grew up in an average working class family and saw his dad go to work daily.

  • Don’t look for shortcuts.
  • Be willing to invest time and effort into a job well done and success will follow.



“All you’ve got to do is own up to your ignorance honestly, and you’ll find people who are eager to fill your head with information.”

Plain and simple, he means ask for help. You can’t possibly know everything and should stop acting like you do. During Walt’s lifetime, America was changing constantly and becoming an industrial world leader. He lived through two world wars and saw the invention of countless gadgets and machines designed to make life easier. No one person could keep up with it all.  Walt knew this and asked for help and advice from experts. I think he must also have been a good listener.



Writers are told to ‘write what you know‘ because it gives authenticity to their writing. The same is true of business. Use your own life experience and personal knowledge to your advantage.



Walt Disney Picture Quote Best you Can quoteAll the success in the world won’t be worth anything if your priorities are backwards.

“A man should never neglect his family for business” is one of the best quotes from Walt Disney. He knew what his priorities were and so should you. What good is financial gain if you lose your family in the process?

“Why worry?  If you’ve done the very best you can, worrying won’t make it better.”


This is excellent but difficult advice to follow. However, you’ll save yourself time, energy and possibly an anxiety attack if you do.




Hundreds, possibly thousands, of quotes are attributed to Walt Disney but one of my favorites is:

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”

I know better than to think ‘all’ my dreams will come true. I have some fantastic dreams. But the gist of the saying is spot on. It takes courage to fail and try again until success occurs. If you have courage, or can cultivate it, you are on your way to your dreams of wealth and success coming true.

Anna is a self-taught dreamer of innovation, a flower child of her generation, and self-proclaimed world beer enthusiast. In the real world, when the cape comes off, Anna is a freelance writer/wannabe blogger, digital media marketer, and mom of Norman, the basset hound. She also loves peanut butter. Follow her on Twitter @annaleacrowe.



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