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Success Advice

How to Land an Internship: The Ultimate Guide



Image Credit: Unsplash

While the college landscape has changed this year, what you make of it doesn’t have to. Over the last few months, companies may be starting to notice the positive impacts working remotely has made on their teams. As the new school year approaches, you may be thinking how you can go the extra mile.

Even though some businesses may be working more remotely, that doesn’t mean your chances of getting an internship are hindered. To test the waters of your career before you graduate, put yourself out there, and land an internship that could build your career, and your budget. 

Start the Internship Search

First things first, search for the internship you’d like to hold. While you may have an idea of what you’d like to do after college, keep your internship choices broad. Cast your applications far and wide — you may find a passion for something other than you ever thought you would. 

Build Your Resume and Cover Letter to Impress

Second, start prepping for the perfect first “virtual” impression. Tailor your resume to the job your applying to and double-check that there aren’t any mistakes in your resume. Along with that, prep a stellar cover letter that will knock them out of the park. Make sure to showcase your genuine interest in their company. 

Impress From Day One

Now you may have landed an interview, make it the best interview yet. Research the company you’re interviewing with. Find out how they got started, how far they’ve come, and who the key players of the industry are. If the interviewers release their name before the interview, research each individual and their impacts on the company. 

You Got the Job — Now Showcase Your Skills 

Now you’ve landed the job and your ready to make the most of this experience. Start by impressing your team the first day on the job, and grow your network. During the first week, go around the office and introduce yourself to everyone you can. Over time, you may grow professional connections that form into career mentors. Ensure to keep these relationships as you grow your career. 

Check out our infographic below for more tips and tricks to land your dream internship that actually pays:


7 Tips For Landing Your Dream Internship (That Pays!)

Kayla Montgomery is a digital content marketer who helps Mint create helpful and compelling stories worth sharing. Her background in digital marketing and creative writing has led her to cover unique topics ranging from business to lifestyle. In her spare time, she enjoys working out, writing for her own blog, traveling, and exploring all the in’s and out’s Austin, TX has to offer. To learn more, connect with Kayla on LinkedIn at:

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