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Success Advice

Brendon Burchard’s 10 Keys for Success



brendon burchard

Brendon Burchard is one of the most-watched personal development trainers and motivational speaker of our time and best selling author of “The Motivation Manifesto“, “The Charge“, “The Millionaire Messenger“, and “Life’s Golden Ticket“.

Here are Brendon Burchard’s 10 rules for success in the words of Brendon Burchard:

1. Don’t Listen to The Little Man

No matter where you are or where you started from, don’t let your small beginnings make you small minded. It’s easy to say “that’s impossible”. We hear a lot of people telling us we can’t do this and can’t do that. Don’t let their words hold you back from believing you can. No matter where you are, believe in yourself. Keep adding, keep working, keep going.

Some days may be hard and may be a struggle but it’s through that struggle, through that dream, effort and desire that you will eventually get there.


2. You Need to Take Action Every Day

You have to actually show up every day and inch yourself forward towards these dreams. You have to take an action that moves you forward. Not just research or thinking because without the initiative, the action is dead. It has to be daily, otherwise it will never be actualized.

Keep the momentum going every single day.


3. You Must Define Your Mission

You need to have a mission for what you’re doing today. You need to have an intention for the next task.

People tend to show up without any intention of what they need to do, and end up doing too many things which gets them no where.

Ask yourself: What is the mission?

Work out what your desire in life is, figure out the steps, create a plan to get there and minimize everything else. Get clear on the mission!

Don’t take on too many projects, make your mission the ultimate focus, it’s easy to take your eye off of the ball if you don’t know what the ball is.

Respond to your own desires and not others. Focus goes out the window when we don’t have progress. The more focus, the more progress.


4. Facing Your Doubts

Doubt is one of the greatest enemies to success. It’s so easy to overcome, but most people won’t practice the discipline of overcoming it. Negative recurring emotions hold us back from being mature and realizing we need to fix the problem.

If you’ve been plagued with doubt your whole life, then face it. Where there is doubt, there is faith.

With more faith comes more competence, more competence results in more confidence.


5. Setting The Boundaries

Be more explicit in communicating your boundaries and time. If you have 45 minutes in a meeting, don’t let it go a second over, let people know “Don’t go over on the set time!”

Bleed time takes away from your balance by going over time on things you don’t need to go over on. “I’ll just have one drink” turns into 16, “Just one hour of lunch” turns into 4 hours, “Just one episode” turns into the entire series in one sitting.

Don’t let time be wasted because you didn’t stick to your mark. So set your boundary, communicate it clearly with people, and don’t go over.

If you stick to the intention, you’ll have better balance.


6. Study Your Craft

If you want to get ahead, you need to study your craft deeply. But do it for your passion, look at the great artists in history who studied and mastered their abilities. What is your area?

Study, pay attention, learn from the best, model the most intelligent, successful people you can. Then develop confidence by doing it over and over again. Don’t do it once in a while.


7. Get Constructive Feedback

You need to get into a community that can give you feedback. Whether it be a coach, friends or family members. Practice with a group before the meeting so you are able to receive feedback to grow in confidence and competency.

It’s the willingness to get feedback that will keep your dream alive. If it’s just in your mind and you’re just doing it by yourself, but you never get a positive community giving you constructive feedback, it will never be in the social realm where you gain that social awareness so that you can contribute and create at another level.


8. Think BIGGER

What is it that you’re really after? Are you after enough for yourself? Are you limiting yourself based on your current competencies? Never limit your ambitions based on current competencies, never limit yourself today based on your current inadequacies because those could be irrelevant tomorrow.

The main thing is to have aim in life, to have your own aim, and your own ambitions. Don’t let others tell you your aims and ambitions.

The highest forms of ambition usually come down to creative expression, your contribution, and your connection with others.

What is it that you want for yourself? is it big enough? Remember, whatever you come up with, 10x it. Challenge your brain to break the bounds.


9. Be Generous

What makes someone extraordinary? The ability to be generous, not only with gifts, but with your time, attention, mentorship, care, love, patience, forgiveness, spirit, energy.

People vibrate with generosity, they feel it and sense it. They tend to be surprised by that. Give as much of your heart, your spirit, your life and your voice to this world because we only get one shot at this life.


10. Become Your Best Self

Take your current limitation and put it on your agenda as a job to do, as a thing to figure out and make it happen. Don’t wait for circumstances to change otherwise you will never change. If you want to change, something new has to change.


If you are more of a visual person then you can watch this video compilation by Evan Carmichael of Brendon Burchard’s 10 Rules for Success


I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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