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Success Advice

5 Ways to Let Your Inner Leader Out



Image Credit: Unsplash

For some reason, many people think that such words as “leadership” or “leadership qualities” refer only to extraordinary people. But these words are not as special as they might seem to many. What is more, every person has the potential to become a leader, the only thing you need to do is wake certain qualities up. If you are doubting your skills, then our tips will help you reboot your inner leader. Below you will find out about the most common problems that prevent you from enhancing your inner leader, and the top five tips to help you solve them.

Why Don’t Most People Show Leadership in Life?

There are several common reasons that prevent many people from becoming leaders.

  • Unwillingness to Stand Out From the Crowd – Most people like to “live like everyone else” and go with the flow. In most cases, this is the result of their childhood experience. After showing an initiative at an early age, they received rejection or criticism. Therefore, the majority strive not to stand out from society, and calmly do what they are asked or ordered to do.
  • Internal Fears – Many people cannot reveal their inner leader due to the presence of fears and low self-esteem. The most common fear is the fear of failure. By the way, all this interferes not only with the manifestation of leadership qualities but also with living the way they really want to live. It is extremely difficult for many to cope with these fears on their own, but it is even more difficult to decide to fix these problems with the help of psychologists. Therefore, only a few become successful and can show their leadership potential.
  • The Misconception About Inner Leaders – Some people think that they will be able to show their leadership talent when needed. But in practice, they never reveal their potential. What is more, such people purposefully miss many opportunities and think that they will prove themselves next time.
  • Disbelief in Your Own Leadership Qualities – Many people think that leaders are born, not made. This stops them from awakening their inner leader and somehow expressing their individuality. Such people admire their successful peers but do not even know that they can do the same.

If at least one of the reasons seems to be about you, then it’s time to work on yourself and awaken your inner leader. It is important to remember that you have to follow the road to success day after day, since you cannot arrive at your final destination instantly. Therefore, the following tips will help you change your life.

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Five Simple but Effective Tips to Awaken the Inner Leader:

1. Look Inside Yourself

In order to become a leader, you need to start working on your personality. To lead other people and make them listen to you, you need to learn to lead yourself and be able to hear yourself first. It is a lot of work, but it is the key to success. The ability to lead yourself will allow you to become a leader for others. Consider the following 3 questions:

  • Why do I want to be a leader?
  • What will the development of leadership potential bring?
  • How do I need to act and think?

When you start to understand yourself, learn to listen to yourself, and put everything on the shelves, then you can start to act. Therefore, the first thing to do is to begin to understand what leadership means to you. 

Try to return to the above questions as often as possible, since, as soon as you start working hard in order to better yourself, your answers will change. These responses will guide you towards unlocking your inner leader.

2. Find and Accept Your Uniqueness

It is extremely important for you to bring out your uniqueness. Most people think that they are not that different from other people but, in fact, this is not at all the case. 

List your strengths and unique abilities. Each leader knows his or her strengths, and each person has them. Most people think that it’s necessary to work on weaknesses, taking your strengths for granted. But to awaken leadership qualities, you need to start by working out the strengths. This does not mean that you shouldn’t pay attention to weaknesses at all, surely, you should work on fixing the critical ones too. But keeping the focus on your strengths will help you to boost your self-esteem and awaken your inner leadership potential.

3. Leverage Your Public Speaking Skills

Unfortunately, many people have a fear of engaging in discussions, and this may be the result of negative experiences. If this is familiar to you, then you need to learn how to fix it. Perhaps people are not listening to you because you speak incoherently or not clearly. Therefore, reading classical literature and video recording your speeches will become paramount in solving these problems.

Whilst everything is obvious with the first, the questions may arise about the second one. Pick a topic and start talking about it on video. After that, see what you have done, and your mistakes in your speech will immediately become apparent to you. Be sure to write down each problem, and the next time you do this exercise, try to fix it. By the way, this exercise will help not only improve your speech but also help to cope with the barrier of starting a conversation.

“It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.” – Mark Twain

4. Learn to Control Emotions

Most likely, you paid attention to the fact that you are more engaged when listening to those people who are emotionally balanced. Often such people emit positive emotions, but they never overplay them. So the next challenge will be to learn to control your emotions, calmly respond to criticism and always keep your emotional state under control. Real leaders are hard to drive mad. The previously mentioned exercise with video recording can help you with this too. For example, you may start a private video blog, and make a short video every day analyzing situations that happened, your emotions, and the ways you responded to them. 

5. Be Yourself

Staying true to yourself and your principles is an essential skill of every leader. Most likely, in the early stages of working on your inner leader enhancement, you begin to follow the example of some famous leaders and copy their demeanor. Hence, the best thing is to reveal your strong sides and be authentic. Of course, you can and should take examples from great leaders, but you don’t need to copy them. Be unique and true to yourself!

Now you know what you need to do to become a leader for yourself and for other people. The main thing to remember is that leadership is what you make of it. When you learn to control yourself, understand your actions, improve your speaking skills, then you begin to develop as a leader further. Implement these five tips, and get a solid chance to succeed.

What do you think is the most defining characteristic of a great leader? Share your thoughts with us below!

Ben Grant finished his study last year but is already a true expert when it comes to presenting a text in a creative and understandable manner. Now he’s a writer for LinksManagement and does photo editing at Ben is thirsty for knowledge and is always on the lookout for tips to share with her readers.

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