3 Steps to Making Your Biggest Dreams Come True – Alex Echols

There’s bad news and there’s good news about the entrepreneurial journey.
The bad news: the road is hard, it’s difficult and sometimes, you will want to give up (actually – a lot of the time). The good news: taking control of your future and your dreams is more doable than ever before.
According to a study for the Washington Post by Jena McGregor, only 13% of all people worldwide enjoy going to work and based on simple math of 40 hours a week for 40 years of work (with some overtime thrown in there), most people are projected to spend an average of 90,000 hours of their lives doing work that they don’t care much about.
Here is my podcast with Addicted2Success founder Joel Brown where I share my advice on How You Can Discover Your Passion & Quit Your Day Job:
As milennials and beyond, we are unlike any generations before. We are the change-makers, the rule-breakers, the misfits and the crazy ones.
For the first time in history, 61% of the emerging generation of workers feels personally responsible to make a difference in the world and leave a lasting impact (Nelson). That means that it is becoming less and less acceptable to show up to work simply for a paycheck. Even for the individuals who choose not to pursue entrepreneurial endeavors, they are still looking for more purposeful work than ever before, which is why conscious capitalism, for-benefit organizations and enterprises are on the rise.
In today’s evolved economy – if you have big goals, you do not have to wait to bring them to life. There are more resources, tools, tips and hacks than ever before to help you bring a goal to fruition. But even with that said, some of the oldest and most effective steps for making this happen are commonly overlooked. A few years ago, I left my comfortable corporate job in pursuit of my own entrepreneurial endeavors and just a few years later, I was able to become a #1 best-selling author & full-time entrepreneur.
But it has not happened all because of me.
The truth is: a lot of people played a pivotal role in my journey over the last few years and most importantly, it’s happened because I was taught to follow these 3 simple, but very effective steps:
1. Discover Your Passion(s)…Now
How will you know where you want to go if you first don’t know what you truly like and love? This is something I always think about when university students and young professionals talk to me about the grand plans they have for the rest of their lives.
Just one year prior to entering college, most university students still needed to raise their hands and ask for permission to use the bathroom. So, why are we expected to know what we want to do with the rest of our lives at such a young age?
Let’s take a few steps back and make it simpler.
Find what you love and don’t stop till you discover it. It’s that simple. You can have a full-time job and still have a part-time hustle or search for your passions. With technology allowing almost anything to be at our fingertips, there should be no excuses for not trying new things over and over and over again.
With over 1.4 million iOS and 1.5 million android apps being available for download, minus the fart and belch gags, there are many resources to help individuals discover something they like, which can turn into something they truly love.
With online forums with accompanying offline groups such as MeetUp, Eventbrite or Peoplehunt, it is becoming easier than ever before to try new things.
In your community, your spiritual centers and sports clubs, there are generally notice boards everywhere with postings of different events and opportunities to learn or experience something new.
If you are someone who needs a creative way to discover (or re-discover) your passions, I recommend checking out my social project, Dreams Matter, which focuses on getting individuals to ask better questions in order to get better answers for their lives and passions. On the other hand, if you are looking for a great resource to help you to determine more of your professional skills, I recommend the StrengthsFinder test by Gallup.
The truth about discovering your passions is that the ideas that come from them must also be practical and monetizable if you want to leave your 9-5. You must have viable ideas and you must have a market or an audience who is willing and ready to pay for your products or services, which are linked to your passions.
Without a solid strategy, you will not make any money. And without passion, you will most likely give up. Steve Jobs was once quoted for saying:
“I’m convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.”
Perseverance comes from having an invested passion into what you are doing. As an entrepreneur, you will not have much time to feel sorry for yourself. Besides, your audience, customers, clients, family and friends will be able to see right through the sheer veil if you are not congruent.
When you decide on an idea, become very committed to it. Research the best strategy given your circumstances, and stick to your plan. You will be the most successful when you are laser-focused and not easily distracted by the hurdles that come your way…because they will come. Just remember that you have the power to get through anything.
2. Get a Mentor…Now
During my high school years on the south side of Chicago, I was part of a scholastic sponsorship program that used the motto:
“Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, but you teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime.”
When I first heard these words at the age of 13, I did not fully grasp the meaning of such a powerful phrase. But over time, I began to understand that “teaching someone to fish” is a transferrable metaphor for anything in life.
It comes down to having mentors and guides in life to help us navigate the roads and tides that have been traversed before. Over time, the idea of ‘not re-inventing the wheel’ started to make more and more sense. Why struggle at doing something on our own when literally dozens and dozens of 1,000s of people have probably failed (and some, succeeded) at it before?
Generally, we think that only successful people can teach us meaningful lessons about moving forward, but there is already great success in knowing what not to do – from learning from the failures of another individual.
Michael Jordan, the greatest of all time to play the game of basketball, was once quoted that he is so successful because he has failed over and over again in his life. With his blocking, he had a mentor. With his shooting, he had a mentor. With his crossovers, he had a mentor. With almost every mechanic of his physical game, MJ had a mentor (or a coach, for the lack of better words).
Mentors or business/results coaches are some of the most valuable resources that every entrepreneur and individual can tap into. Today, finding a mentor is becoming easier because more individuals are becoming interested in bartering talents and genius, regardless of age. Take the Internet for example, by 2020 – as many as 5 Billion people will be connected through the interwebs. When we look at the baby boomers’ sector – it becomes apparent that our generation has something to offer them and vice versa.
It’s the idea of adding equal value.
So how do you find your mentor?
Finding someone who is compatible as a mentor or coach can take some time. Don’t overthink it and don’t beat yourself up if you don’t immediately find someone. In terms of actually starting, begin with your online and offline networks.
Ask around – ask those who have mentored and ask those who have been mentored.
Write lists – write down the characteristics and personality type of your ideal mentor.
Attend events – go to events that host people of all ages and business backgrounds.
Get manifesting – start visualizing the mentor you want and stop at nothing until you find him/her.
On an additional note, if you have the means to hire a paid business or results coach (which every professional should do), there are many paid business-coaching services such as Tony Robbins’ Business Mastery, T. Harv Eker Millionaire Mind Intensive Coaching, and etc.
The most important thing about all mentoring is to pay it forward. And allow me to debunk the myth that you are too young to be a mentor for someone else. Paying it forward isn’t about getting things perfect before you can become a guide for someone else. Paying it forward is about giving the best of yourself with what you have right now.
There is a quote that says something along the lines of:
“Always keep moving forward because you never know who you may be inspiring.”
So when it comes to approaching your possible mentor, remember to start from the value-based stance of, “how can I add value to them?” Or if you don’t feel as if you have much to offer, “how can I make our sessions together as easy & efficient as possible?”
The worst thing that can happen is that they say no because they are too busy, but most of the time they will point you in the direction of someone else just as equipped to lead, guide and work with you.
3. Find Your Tribe…Now
There are so many sayings and quotes that come to mind when I think about finding a supportive network:
- You become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.
- Only spend time with those who lift you higher.
- The Law of Success is in part based on your ability to apply the law of the ‘Master Mind.’
Indeed, there are so many juicy reasons and emphasizers as to why it is so important to surround yourself with like-minded individuals, who are going to help you progress on your journey.
In his best-selling book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill speaks about the law of the ‘Master Mind,’ as offering a combination of mind-mapping, educating, accountability and peer-support in a group setting, which allows each individual to sharpen their business and personal skills.
I have personally been a part of masterminds for the last 5 years and while I think they are great, I think they can be more effective.
Enter the Tribe
Where masterminds fail, tribes prevail and thrive. The idea of my specific meaning of a ‘tribe’ dates back to the time of the Indigenous Indian tribes when the goal was not only to survive, but also to pass on the lessons and teachings from one generation to the next (remember when we spoke about mentors earlier?) It was not only a tribe’s desire to provide support and pass on lessons – it was their duty.
A few weeks ago, as I sat with a few people from my tribe, a great friend of mine, Ben, said something that I will never forget. In his toast to all our mutual friends, he simply said: “the great thing about each and every one of us is that while we are helping each other succeed with our goals, the thing we want most for each other is simply to have a good life. It’s that simple.”
That’s where Finding Your Tribe is different than just finding a network of individuals who is going to help you get what you want. In your tribe, you will find people telling you the truth even when it hurts.
You will find some of the funniest and most fun days of your life. And most importantly, you will find what it means to have true friends that not only care about you succeeding in business, but that also care that you simply have a good life.
So how do you find your tribe?
Your tribe consists of the people that resonate with the ideal version of yourself. So as you start looking for your tribe, think about the kind of person you want to be.
Imagine: what do you look like when you are at your best physically, intellectually, in your job, and in your personal life? What kind of character do you have? Whose character do you admire a lot? Most importantly, how do you want to feel?
Finding your tribe will come down to what field you are in, what’s most important to you, and perhaps, where you live in the world. These are a few places I’ve called home over the last few years: Awesomeness Fest, TEDx, Burning Man and Summit Series.
You don’t have to join any of these tribes although you can if you want. There are hundreds of other groups and clubs you can look into to help you find a tribe that best suits you. Start talking to others and begin searching the web for tribes with which you can get involved today.
Look for people who share interests with you, who work in your industry, or who have similar values. Ask them who their tribes are and how they got together.
You will know when you find your tribe because you will discover all the things that are more important than just succeeding at business ie. – helping others discover their passions, paying it forward and mentoring others and finally, creating tribes that help other individuals live extraordinary lives.
Today, making your biggest dreams come true is more doable than ever before because we have so many resources available to us. I hope you have the courage to discover them, use them well and pay it forward.
What are you waiting for? Get started…now!
Get your hands on our new book “The Two Week Notice“:
The Psychology of Motivation: How to Keep Moving Forward Every Day
Discover how daily habits, self-discipline, and a few clever strategies can spark your drive and focus.

You wake up on a typical Monday morning, glance at your clock, and realize it’s time to get moving. How do you summon that inner drive to deal with your responsibilities with a genuine smile on your face? (more…)
8 Powerful Ways To Show Up In Dating & Relationships – Apollonia Ponti

If you are struggling to create clarity in your life then I have created the Addicted2Success academy to support you in getting crystal clear on your next moves in life. Join my mentorship in The Addicted2Success Academy here. The only PROVEN METHOD in the world that allows ANYONE to effortlessly ELEVATE the 8-KEY AREAS of life, is finally being passed down… EXCLUSIVELY, in this Academy.
Apollonia Ponti is a Dating & Relationship Coach for men. She specializes in teaching men to understand what women want, master their attraction skills, and build their confidence in dating or a relationship.
In this Addicted2Success Podcast episode Apollonia shares how you can show up powerfully in Dating and Relationships.
Here is the audio of the podcast:
Mindset #1 You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone
You have clarity in your life about who you are as a person and if you are not going to be desired as a man by a particular person, then you know there is someone else that will desire you. Now I’m not saying that you’re going to be disrespectful and come off harsh and really, really aggressive, but what I do mean is that you just hold your power. You know who you are and you don’t have to prove yourself or you don’t have to say things to get people to like you.
You don’t have to act in a particular way for someone to like you. You know that you showing up as you will be the way people will see you and if they don’t like you, no big deal. You like you and that’s what matters.
Mindset #2 You’re not attached to an outcome, you know that everything will work out, and if it doesn’t, you will be okay
If you go a little bit deeper in this, this means that you’re okay with being alone, right? This means that you, alone, are okay because a lot of times in relationships a lot of people seek validation from another. They seek validation that they are loved, that they are enough but you’re the only person that needs to see yourself as enough to attract that. That’s what I’m saying. Mindset number two is not attached to a specific outcome.
If you like a girl and she’s an amazing girl and you think this is going great blah blah blah, you’re okay if it works out and you’re okay if it doesn’t work out. It’s just the simple act of you not putting pressure because if you put pressure it shows neediness, insecurity, and attachment.
Mindset #3 You look at things as what value can I offer someone or something instead of what can I get out of this because you have a mindset that you know the more that I give the more that I’m going to receive
Now it’s not that you’re saying that you’re going to give someone a piece of you or your time if they’re not going to be respectful or receiving towards it, but you know that you don’t have this attitude that you’re just like, “Okay, what are you giving me? I’m here because you need to be here and you’re giving me something because my time is valuable to me.” No.
Your time is valuable to you, yes, but this is from a different perspective and mindset. You’re like, “Okay, how can I add value to you in your life?” Because you know you’re capable of meeting your own needs and being there for others. It’s less selfish. This comes off so attractive to women and it shows too that you are powerful and that you hold your own pretty well.
Mindset #4 You’re unapologetically honest
I don’t mean that you’re just going to point out and say things like you look fat in that dress or anything like that but you’re going to obviously be honest and open about your own opinions. Women are so attracted to this and I talk about this so much because I just want to get it ingrained in your head. You don’t want to always agree with a woman because one, you’ll fall into friend zone pretty easily when that happens, and two, women test men a lot when it comes to this.
When you’re open and you’re honest about how you feel or have your own opinion about a specific topic that the both of you are talking about, it shows that you are just you showing up for you and not trying to impress her because you are enough and that’s what is impressive to a woman.
Mindset #5 You value your time so this means you also want to see if she’s worth it
There is a difference here. What I mean in value your time is you take your time with her to see if she is worth it for you. A lot of times men fall into just the visual of the woman. Like oh my gosh, she has a nice body, she’s beautiful, she’s this, she’s that, which I’m not saying to dismiss, but what I am saying is understand that those women can be a little bit more intriguing to you when you’re really trying to get to know her on an emotional level, what she has to offer you and who she is as a person if she’s worth a commitment as well.
Instead of just seeing her beauty and thinking, “This one!” This is the mindset you want to always have: no matter how beautiful the woman is or how great the woman is, you have to see if she’s worth it for you to invest your time in and the same goes vice versa. A woman of value is deciding the same thing; are you the type of person she wants to make a commitment to as well.
Mindset #6 You show up powerfully in your own skin
What I mean by this is you just know yourself. I mean I talk about this in mindset number one and mindset number two, but when you show up in your own skin, you walk into places like a lounge or a restaurant or wherever you are, and your chin is up, shoulders are back, and you just confidently know who you are. Women can sense this when a man just knows who he is and he owns it and he’s just powerful in who he is. It shows in how you present yourself.
How do you become powerful? Well, you have to be focused on something that is thriving in your life and you can read my article on how to find your purpose to discover some ideas on how to find your purpose and how you give back. This is significant to your everyday world when it comes to attraction.
Mindset #7 You’re compassionate but you don’t get defensive
There are so many men that I know that get very low on patience. They take automatic offense to something as though if a woman says something she’s being disrespectful and he points fingers back and he automatically gets offended as though he has to defend himself and the world is all against him. This is not compassion. What this actually does to a woman in her mind is it kills attraction all the time. I mean from day one. It’s a huge red flag for a woman. I bring this up because this has happened a lot in coaching sessions and men that I’ve talked to, they’re just like, “I just don’t have patience. I just don’t have the time, blah blah blah blah blah,” but they hold this aspect of not having compassion but also not knowing how to just breathe, take a moment and be like, “All right.
This has nothing to do with me. What’s the worst thing possible that can come out of this? Let me just open this up for discussion,” instead of just pointing fingers and getting so frustrated to the point where you can hear it in their tone. You can see it in their physical being and you can hear the way that they come off and their expressions. Everything changes, their demeanor, their energy, everything.
This is huge in regards to the mindset of a man. You don’t want to let anybody else control your emotions. You are the one that’s in control of your own emotions, right? Meaning, okay someone says something to you to piss you off. You have a choice! You have a choice to either get angry or just look at him and smile and be like, “Damn. You’re having a bad day.” Right? Because of the fact that when you hold your own, it shows so much more confidence that you’re just not reacting and you’re just accepting it and you’re just like, “You’re not going to get to me,” because you control yourself. You control you.
Reacting and taking everything personally can kill attraction instantly. It comes off as unsafe. And that is huge for women, they need to know they can be safe with you. It is your choice in how you choose to respond to the things around you.
Mindset #8 You embrace failures with strength and confidence
We all mistakes in life but you embrace these mistakes and ask yourself how can I be better, what can I learn from this and what would I choose to improve. Let me respond to my mistakes and see how I can fix this so it doesn’t happen again. You don’t get down on yourself and start punishing yourself like, “Oh, you’re not a good guy, you’re horrible, no woman is going to like you. You don’t deserve love.” You don’t say those things to yourself.
When you’re in the dumps you’re like, “Okay fine. I messed up but how am I going to improve with this and how am I going to move forward?” You take the proactive notions and you build the skills so you don’t have this happen to you again.
The Mindset Of A Multiple 7 Figure Entrepreneur – Michael Michalowicz

On this week’s Addicted2Success podcast we have Michael Michalowicz who is an American author, entrepreneur, and lecturer.
He is the author of five business books including Fix This Next, Clockwork, Profit First Revised & Expanded, Surge, Profit First – The Pumpkin Plan and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, is an advocate of a business philosophy by the same name, and is a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal.
Michael is the “Business Rescue” segment host for MSNBC’s Your Business.
He also hosted the reality television program called Bailout!
Listen to this powerful episode with Michael here and get ready to take notes:
Top 12 Addicted2Success Podcast Episodes for You to Listen To

We are almost 6 months into the year and there has been so many great articles, videos and podcast episodes featured on Addicted2Success.
The Addicted2Success podcast is one of the most popular podcasts in the business section of the apple podcast store and we are officially live on Spotify, Stitcher and SoundCloud now so you can’t miss a motivational beat.
Here are the Top 12 Addicted2Success podcast episodes of 2019 for you to listen to
If you feel that any of the below podcasts have inspired you in any way shape or form please share the episodes on your insta stories, facebook, emails or direct message them to your friends as this would be deeply appreciated as we are on a mission to spread powerful self development advice to the world.
1. Dr. Dain Heer – How To Be More Conscious With Your Thoughts, Feelings And Emotions
Dr. Dain Heer is an internationally renowned author, speaker and facilitator of consciousness and change. For over 17 years, he has been inviting people to embrace their true greatness—people from every culture, country, age and social strata of society.
Originally trained as a chiropractor, he has a completely different approach to healing by facilitating people to tap into and recognize their own abilities and knowing.
2. Ashley Hann – 4 Ways To Master Magnetic Confidence
Ashley Hannawacker is an online branding and marketing strategist, author and speaker. Ashley specializes in creating powerful, cohesive online brand experiences and is an expert at making websites that make money.
Ashley is very passionate about personal growth and mindset through which she has led various presentations, coached leadership trainings and written a #1 best selling book: Magnetic Confidence: Attract the Results, Relationships and Life You Want.
3. Jason Stone – The 3 Principles To Building A 6 & 7 Figure Online Business
Jason Stone is widely known by celebrities and almost 2 million people around the world as @Millionaire_Mentor on Instagram. Stone has successfully launched multiple 6 and 7 figure Instagram and Internet platforms and is becoming a well known social media influencer and marketer. Known for his e-commerce success in the automotive industry in his early years with Treadstone Performance Engineering.
4. Les Brown – How To Achieve The Ultimate Level Of Self Motivation
One of the greatest Motivational Speakers of All Time “Les Brown” shares his powerful wisdom on what it takes to face any fear and how to reach the ultimate level of Self Motivation.
Les Brown goes deep in this conversation, he pours his heart and soul into this and keeps this one real and raw. Don’t Miss This!
5. Tony Robbins – 5 Ways To Master Your Money And Impact Millions Of Lives
Advisor to Billionaire’s, Athletes, Celebrities and some of the top leaders in the world! Tony Robbins is the go to guy for Success strategies and Joel Brown had the fortunate opportunity to chat with Tony about achieving success in this half an hour exclusive interview on the Addicted2Success Podcast!
6. Jay Shetty – How To Be Remembered For Your Love & Contribution
Jay Shetty is a philosophical content creator, story teller, Forbes 30 under 30 entrepreneur and former monk who has created a brand and movement that has reached over 1 Billion views and is dedicated to Making Wisdom Go Viral.
7. T. Harv Eker – How Multi-Millionaire’s Think
T. Harv Eker, the Best Selling Author of Secrets of The Millionaire Mind shares his insights and unforgettable advice on creating a life with abundant wealth and success.
The strategies he shares will change the way you view money forever!
8. Peter Sage – How To Live Your Best Life
Peter Sage is a well known international & serial entrepreneur, author, philosopher and teacher. His unique way of looking at and relating to life has inspired tens of thousands of people worldwide to Reinvent themselves.
Whether by improving or turning around a business or developing a new and empowering psychology through practical yet profound shifts in awareness, Peter hopes his insights and teachings can offer something of value to those who seek it.
9. Yahya Bakkar – How To Powerfully Sell Your Story To The World
Yahya Bakkar is a powerhouse speaker and leadership coach.
Yahya has spoken on over 500 stages around the world and he believes in giving you motivational, practical & transformational content to help you become the most courageous, confident and charismatic version of yourself.
10. Ajit Nawalkha – 4 Powerful Mindset Shifts That Will Change Your Life Forever
Speaker, Coach and Author “Ajit Nawalkha” shares his powerful advice on how to create emotional and mental shifts within to achieve more as an entrepreneur so you can move closer to your dreams.
Ajit’s new book “Live Big” is out now. In Live Big: A Guide to Passion, Practicality, and Purpose, Nawalkha shares 25 shifts—changes in your mental, physical, emotional, or even spiritual state—that will propel you on your road to success.
11. Olivia Arezzolo – How To Master Your Sleep For More Success
Australian Sleep Specialist Olivia Arezzolo shares her powerful advice for achieving more success through better sleep. Olivia writes for some of the world’s top publications on the power of sleep routines and how to live a more empowered life with new and healthy habits.
12. Grant Cardone – How To Increase Your Hunger For Success
Grant Cardone shares his advice on what it takes to be obsessed with your success. Get your hands on Grant Cardone’s New Book “Be Obsessed or Be Average” now.
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