Regardless of what you are selling, or what your business is, it’s a common occurrence that a prospect doesn’t answer a sales call. It has definitely...
We all have a God-given destiny to fulfill that we were each born with. I personally believe it is buried deep down within us. The number...
If you ask successful people how to have a productive day, they’ll tell you to start the night before with an effective nighttime routine. How you...
One day in the early 1960s, 44-year old Sam Walton founded his first department store in Bentonville, Arkansas a few years after being forced to let...
Everybody knows what Nike is, but not so many know how it was built or who built it. Phil Knight, the once-young entrepreneur who left his...
It’s pretty annoying isn’t it? All those great and accomplished people telling you that FAILURE is a necessity on your way to success. Yeah, that’s easy...
“It’s been 2 years since I left writing, how would I start it again?” I cried to my friend. Telling him how I failed to generate...