What used to be safe, is no longer. What’s “safe” in today’s volatile economy and society, is risk. Not long ago it was safe to go...
A number of people tell me their story, about all of the things they wish to do and some of the things that they have tried...
The Owner of TED “Chris Anderson” shares his Top 3 words of advice for delivering a memorable and perfect TED speech to the millions.
All successful people share similar abilities. They are self-starters, they are able to motivate themselves easily, and they are able to change their thoughts into actions....
At the age of 22 I was forced to quit college basketball due to a knee injury. Soon after I dropped out and joined the workforce....
Evan Williams is the creator of two highly successful blogging platforms Twitter & Blogger. He has faced the ups and downs of the dotcom boom and...
One ancient practice that has shown tremendous transformations is the practice of meditation. So what is meditation? and why is it known to change people’s lives...