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Success Advice

Why You May Not Be Truly Happy With Your Life



I have 100’s of people reaching out to me each and every month, asking me the same question over and over again. The question is…… “Joel, Why I am not happy with my life, what should I do?”

I have to admit, I had the same question as you many, many years ago, until one day, I decided to open my mind and actually take in the advice that so many of the most successful people out there were already telling us. There is a pattern, a formula, an answer and it’s out there. It has been shared to us all by billionaires, millionaires, celebrities and winners. It’s no secret, and I’m sure you have heard it a million times before, but there is a reason why you hear it over and over again, because it works, and how it works is easy when you are willing to make a move.

To be truly happy in life you have to:




It’s really that simple. The hard part for most is finding their passion, and I believe that can only be accomplished through a series of experimentations.

Life is made up of a million daily experiences. Each and every second we are experiencing movement around us, things changing, growing, dying and multiplying, we are all part of an ever evolving experience which we call “Life“.

We are all unique, yet a majority of us run through similar protocols and systems, and the thing is (and most people don’t know this), “that you can’t understand a system until you try to change it”, and that takes me back to the importance of experimenting.

How do you know for sure that you wouldn’t be able to start your own successful business when you have never written down a plan or even looked into it?

Or that you won’t be able to get a job at one of your favorite companies if you never even apply?

You need to start experimenting, you need to open your eyes, ears and start using your hands, whatever you have to do to make some noise and shake things up. The resources that are out there in this world are endless. Learn to be resourceful, sit down and actually write a list of The Top 5 Things That You Love In life, and start researching to see if there are careers in your areas of interests. Then… start looking for opportunities, put your name down in every facet of that field until something sticks.

Nothing is ever handed to you on a silver platter when it comes to finding your passion. No amount of money can buy you your passion, it is priceless, and it is up to each and every one of us to discover what we can truly love, grow and expand with major value.

I have worked just for the money before and it straight out sucks! Only when I followed my passion, I felt truly content.

Until you find your passion and pursue your dreams you will be wandering around, with something missing. We have to find our purpose, that is what makes us whole, along with family, friends and the opportunity to share our experiences with loved ones.




Now… get to work!


The Heart of human excellence picture quote

I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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