Getting drunk is to experience a high and be around people who are doing the same thing. You feel invincible and like anything is possible. You...
It’s easy to identify what differentiates the “mediocre” entrepreneurs from the ultra-successful ones. But merely identifying these elements is not even half the battle. You must...
It seems like every successful entrepreneur has had and endorses getting a mentor. Most people think of a mentor as someone that teaches them about business,...
I’m dripping with sweat after underestimating the pleasant walk from Google’s office in Silicon Valley to my next meeting. I’m thinking to myself “Why did I...
Being productive as an entrepreneur isn’t easy. There are so many distractions out there that it can be hard to make progress towards your goals. But...
I’ve long held the belief that the most important skill in business is the ability to communicate with confidence, clarity and impact. Life is a 24...
Research suggests that we have between 40,000-70,000 thoughts a day. We carry out most of our daily activities without even thinking. These can include brushing our...