Who are you? Not your name or your business or even what your ethics are, but who are you in the sense of what people see...
Simon Sinek in an internationally recognized author, speaker, and business consultant. His TED Talk How Great Leaders Inspire Action is listed as the third most popular...
Clive Staples “C.S” Lewis was an English novelist, lecturer, poet, Christian apologist, lay theologian, broadcaster and academic. He is most recognized from his works such as...
Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist in residence at New York’s Hayden Planetarium is an unlikely role model for marketing excellence. Clearly, he knows how to get your...
“Every decision you make affects someone very special: your future self” You’ve never met this person, but they are carrying the torch of your dreams. Life...
There’s hardly a person in history that hasn’t seen failure in life. People fail in life and it hurts. It can cut them deep, leaving you...
Screw what people say about emotion. Emotion is everything. Emotion is what has allowed me to keep gaining a massive online audience. Here’s an example: Last...