Everyone has dreams. We all want to make something of ourselves yet it’s only a tiny percentage of people ever follow through. The self-help world encourages...
Are you stuck in a rut with your business or your life? Are you wondering what could be causing this feeling of being stuck? It’s so...
I’ve been in financial situations where I couldn’t even afford a pizza. I know what it’s like to have more money than you can spend. I...
We can’t help it. When we read an interview with a high flying, successful person, we secretly compare ourselves to them with our mind making little...
You’ve all met a person who’s a loser. Some people like the word and some people don’t but who really cares. Losers exist so deal with...
You don’t have to save the world to be fulfilled in life. I’m living proof. I love inspiring people, but I didn’t donate a million dollars...
For all the freelancers reading this article right now, there are some steps to success you can take to create a profitable freelance company for yourself.