Famously said by Marilyn Monroe, “If I’d observed all the rules, I’d never have got anywhere.” If you are aiming high and planning to materialize your dream...
Over the years, social media has taken over our lives. Our society has become so addicted to social media to where we’re not only missing out...
Highly regarded as one of Viktor Frankl’s greatest works, “A Man’s Search For Meaning” highlights Dr. Frankl’s perseverance and survival through the Auschwitz concentration camp. His...
What does the power of storytelling mean to you? Do you visualize your mom or dad telling you a bedtime story, or do you think about...
Every successful person had his own moment(s) of doubt. The road to success is full of obstacles and sweet hardships that will frequently make you stop...
A colleague of mine was obnoxious, over eager, and completely out of line. Yet, all of this was overshadowed by the fact he was just plain...
When I was 16 years old, I had the ultimate “I am screwed moment.” Everything from this point on happened in slow motion. What I’m about...