Entrepreneurship has been recognized all over the world as a veritable tool for accelerating the development process of nations. In fact, no economy of the world...
In today’s business world, your personal brand is everything. It is the first impression you leave with colleagues, superiors, partners, clients, and friends. It can make...
We all have those nights when we are suddenly wide awake and thinking about a problem or something we fear may happen. Fear is the ringleader...
The oxford dictionary defines “listen” as “giving one’s attention to a sound.” While this definition captures an essential part of the definition, it oversimplifies the listening...
Everyone has a new habit list for you. There’s always a new habit. Three years ago it was meditation. Two years ago it was cold showers....
Look at your dog, he or she is the cutest animal ever, always happy, that plays with his squeaky toys, and cries when you come back...
Truman Capote, Jimi Hendrix, Steve Jobs, Nikola Tesla. Those are four names you never thought you’d see in a sentence together. As it happens, these four...