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An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Decluttering Your Life



Image Credit: Unsplash

Working from home is difficult at the best of times. But right now with partners and children at home, along with a heap of other distractions, it can be difficult to be as productive as you need to be.

Before the pandemic hit, WD Storage was working on some content to help the workforce find a better work life balance because it’s something that seemingly no one can perfect. They looked to the most successful entrepreneurs for tips and advice on how they were managing their lifestyles and we thought now would be a perfect time to share with you their findings.

We aspire to be as successful as some of the top industry names. Larry Page, founder of Google; Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook; Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon who is about to be a trillionaire. But to be at that level, many will assume they work all hours of the day and don’t have time for a social life.

In fact the reality is a little different. There’s no doubt these entrepreneurs are hardworking but they find the time for daily exercise, 8 hours of sleep at night and to sit down with their family for the evening meal, all without burnout. So how are they managing it?

Simple steps to decluttering your life help maximise your productivity and achieve more in the day. With lots of us furloughed at the moment or some struggling with the work/home life balance, it’s worth taking some time to consider what we can change in our schedules to help make things run smoothly.

Below is an infographic from WD Storage full of tips:

An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Decluttering Your Life

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