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Amazing Things Other People Accomplished When They Were Your Age



Image Credit: Unsplash

This list right here is the true meaning of “Age is nothin but a number.” This list shows you what we are all capable of and that anything is possible at any age.Some of these amazing people started their dreams in their 30s & 40s, some started as soon as they were born.

Read on to see what these amazing people were doing at your age.


1 yr old – . By this age, Christian Friedrich Heinecken had read the Pentateuch.

2 yrs old –  Speed skater Bonnie Blair began skating. She later won five Olympic gold medals.

3 yrs old – Jodie Foster began acting professionally at age 3, when she shot her first Coppertone commercial.

4 yrs old –  Singer/songwriter Tori Amos was accepted into Baltimore’s Peabody Academy of Music, the youngest student ever accepted there. She was expelled at age 11 for improvisation and playing rock covers by ear.

5 yrs old – Mozart began composing minuets. Once when a second violinist failed to appear for a string quartet performance, Mozart took his place, even though he’d never seen the music.

6 yrs old – Drew Barrymore, granddaughter of noted actor John Barrymore, was already a seasoned actress.

7 yrs old – Child film actor Jackie Coogan starred in the Chaplin movie The Kid and became the youngest person to make a million dollars.

8 yrs old – Three-time Olympic gold medal-winning runner Wilma Rudolph was unable to walk until she was eight.

9 yrs old – Daisy Ashford wrote her first and last novel, The Young Visitors, which sold over 200,000 copies.

10 yrs old – Recording artist Stevie Wonder was signed by Motown records.

11 yrs old – Country singer, songwriter and actress Dolly Parton made her first radio appearance.

12 yrs old – Filmmaker Steven Spielberg got his first movie camera and spent hours writing scripts, drawing storyboards and making movies of subjects such as head-on miniature train crashes and an exploding pressure cooker full of cherries jubilee.

13 yrs old – World champion Mario Andretti began racing.

14 yrs old – Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci became the first athlete in Olympic history to achieve a perfect 10. She went on to do it six more times.

15 yrs old – Inventor Thomas Alva Edison became manager of a telegraph office.

16 yrs old – Tennis player Tracy Austin became the youngest person to win the U.S. Open.

17 yrs old – The youngest player to play in a World Cup final, Pele won the match for Brazil, then passed out on the field.

18 yrs old – Elias Howe, who worked in a watchmaking shop, dreamed the idea of the sewing machine and worked on developing it for the next five years.

19 yrs old – Tired of watching friends fall prey to drugs and crime, Matty Rich fought back by directing the award winning movie “Straight Out of Brooklyn.”

20 yrs old – Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard and cofounded Microsoft.

21 yrs old – College dropout Steven Jobs co-founded Apple Computer.

22 yrs old – Olympic runner Herbert James Elliott, ranked by many as the greatest mile runner ever, retired undefeated at 22.

23 yrs old – Jack Nicklaus became the youngest golfer to win the Masters.

24 yrs old – Entrepreneur Ted Turner took over his father’s billboard advertising business. He later launched CNN.

25 yrs old – By this age, Charles Chaplin had appeared in 35 films.

26 yrs old – Napoleon Bonaparte conquered Italy.

27 yrs old – Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person in space.

28 yrs old – The Danish physicist Niels Bohr published his revolutionary theory of the atom.

29 yrs old – Blacksmith Kirkpatrick MacMillan invented the first real bicycle.

30 yrs old – Donald Trump persuaded bankers to lend him $80 million so he could buy the Commodore Hotel. + Bill Gates was the first person ever to become a billionaire by age 30.

31 yrs old – Gregory Pincus achieved in-vitro fertilization of rabbits. Later he invented the birth control pill.

32 yrs old – By the time of his death at age 32, Alexander the Great had conquered almost the entire known world.

33 yrs old – Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic alone.

34 yrs old – After defeating Antony and Cleopatra’s forces in a naval battle, Augustus became the master of the Roman world.

35 yrs old – American sprinter Evelyn Ashford won her final Olympic gold medal at age 35, old for a sprinter.

36 yrs old – German chemist Friedrich August Kekule discovered the ring structure of the benzene molecule in a dream.

37 yrs old – Jersey Joe Walcott became the oldest man ever to win the world’s heavyweight boxing title.

38 yrs old – Apollo 11 commander Neil Armstrong became the first person to set foot on the moon.

39 yrs old – Charles Goodyear discovered vulcanization and led the way to the effective use of rubber.

40 yrs old – Joan Ganz Cooney founded Children’s Television Workshop and became the mastermind behind “Sesame Street.”

41 yrs old – Rudyard Kipling became the youngest Nobel Laureate in literature.

42 yrs old – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar became the oldest NBA regular player.

43 yrs old – John Fitzgerald Kennedy became the youngest man elected to the United States presidency.

44 yrs old – Assistant cashier Jim Priceman returned an envelope containing $37.1 million in negotiable bearer certificates found outside 110 Wall Street.

45 yrs old – George Foreman recaptured the heavyweight championship with a 10th round knockout, becoming the oldest person ever to win the heavyweight championship.

46 yrs old – A Scottish surgeon, James Baird, discovered hypnosis.

47 yrs old – Edward Jenner, an English doctor, pioneered the use of vaccination against smallpox.

48 yrs old – George Blanda played his last year of NFL football.

49 yrs old -Well known author Julia Child published her book, Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

50 yrs old – Barbra Streisand won a 10-year film and recording contract estimated at $60 million.

51 yrs old – The Marquis de Sade, imprisoned for much of his life, wrote the novel Justine.

52 yrs old – Francis Chichester sailed around the world alone in a 53-foot boat normally manned by a crew of six.

53 yrs old – Inventor Walter Hunt patented the safety pin.

54 yrs old – Annie Jump Cannon, the dean of women astronomers, became the first person to systematically classify the stars according to spectral type.

55 yrs old – Richard Daniel Bass reached the summit of Mount Everest.

56 yrs old – Mao Zedong founded the Peoples’ Republic of China.

57 yrs old – Betty Ford was frank about her cancer surgery, in an effort to alert other women to the danger of breast cancer.

58 yrs old – Sony chairman Akio Morita introduced the Sony Walkman, even though nobody seemed to like the idea prior to its release.

59 yrs old – Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross.

60 yrs old – Playwright and essayist George Bernard Shaw completed a play, “Heartbreak House,” regarded by some as his masterpiece.

61 yrs old – Richard Milhouse Nixon resigned in disgrace, the first U.S. President ever to quit office.

62 yrs old – J.R.R. Tolkien published the first volume of his fantasy series, Lord of the Rings.

63 yrs old – Countess Rosa Branicka, a wealthy Polish noble, performed breast cancer surgery on herself and lived to be 82.

70 yrs old – Benjamin Franklin helped draft the Declaration of Independence.

75 yrs old – Warren Buffett set up a $30 billion contribution to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for use in various world-wide charitable causes. + Cancer survivor Barbara Hillary became one of the oldest people, and the first black woman, to reach the north pole.

80 yrs old – Jessica Tandy became the oldest Oscar recipient for her work in Driving Miss Daisy.

85 yrs old – At 85, “Coco” Chanel was the head of a fashion design firm.

90 yrs old – Pablo Picasso was still producing drawings and engravings.

95 yrs old – Nola Ochs became the oldest person to receive a college diploma, a degree in general studies with an emphasis on history.

100+ yrs old – Alice Porlock of Great Britain published her first book, Portrait of My Victorian Youth, when she was 102 years old.

I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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Why You’re Failing to Achieve Your Goals and How to Fix It Now

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8 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Be More Decisive



Stop Procrastinating

Tackling Procrastination and Indecisiveness

Hi, Joel Brown here. As the person behind Addicted to Success and Mind Strong, I’m often asked about tackling procrastination and making swift, effective decisions. It’s a common struggle in today’s world, where distractions are endless.

Procrastination often creeps in when we’re bombarded with social media notifications, breaking news, and the hustle of daily life. This leads to a fear-driven indecision, where we’re paralyzed by the thought of failure or judgment.


Here’s a video breakdown of how to stop procrastinating and be more decisive if you are more of a visual person:


Embracing Speed and Momentum to Stop Procrastination

One of the most impactful lessons in my journey is understanding the role of speed in overcoming procrastination. A mentor of mine, a highly successful individual, always emphasized:

“Success loves speed, and money loves momentum.”

This principle is crucial in combating procrastination. It’s about seizing opportunities quickly, not just for financial gain, but for the invaluable experiences and connections they bring.


Understanding Analysis Paralysis: A Key to Overcoming Procrastination

A major hurdle in decision-making is what’s commonly known as analysis paralysis, a significant form of procrastination. It happens when our decision-making process, governed by the prefrontal cortex, gets overwhelmed. To break free from this form of procrastination, try calming techniques like deep breathing. It’s surprising how such simple steps can clear a cluttered mind and help you move past procrastination.


The Long-Term Effects of Procrastination and Indecision

Procrastination isn’t just about putting off decisions; it can lead to a reduced sense of life satisfaction over time.

In a conversation I had with Tony Robbins, we discussed how the quality of our lives hinges on the quality of our decisions.

Therefore, overcoming procrastination and indecision is vital for a fulfilling life.


My Top Strategies for Beating Procrastination

  1. Seek Guidance from the Experienced: To combat procrastination, connect with people who’ve achieved the goals you’re aiming for. Their experience can be a guiding light when you’re stuck in indecision.
  2. Use Deadlines as Anti-Procrastination Tools: Setting deadlines is a powerful way to break the cycle of procrastination. They create a sense of urgency that pushes you into action.
  3. Accept Imperfection to Move Past Procrastination: Understand that no one is perfect, and that includes you. Accepting this can alleviate the pressure that often leads to procrastination.


Identify Your Procrastination Type to Find Solutions

Procrastination manifests in various forms. I’ve developed a quiz (find it at to help you identify your specific type of procrastination. Understanding your personal procrastination style is a crucial step in addressing it effectively.


Additional Tips on Making Quality Decisions and Beating Procrastination

When it comes to decision-making, it’s important to not get too bogged down in analyzing pros and cons. While analysis is important, excessive scrutiny can lead to procrastination. Trusting your intuition often plays a crucial role in breaking free from procrastination.


Handling Major Life Choices Without Procrastination

For significant decisions in life, whether in your career or personal relationships, procrastination can be particularly challenging.

To address this, break down these big decisions into smaller steps. Assess the potential outcomes realistically to understand that often, the fear of a negative outcome is more intimidating than the actual consequences.


Conclusion: Your Journey Away from Procrastination Begins Now

To wrap up, remember that overcoming procrastination and indecision is about understanding your own patterns, seeking wise counsel, setting deadlines, and embracing your imperfections. It’s time to start making those impactful decisions and enjoying the journey of life.

Whether it’s through the Mind Strong Academy or my procrastination quiz, I’m here to guide you on your path to decisive action.

I believe in your ability to conquer procrastination and live a life of purposeful decisions.

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Change Your Mindset

Unlocking Success: Subconscious Reprogramming, Mindset, and Transformative Strategies for Improved Wellbeing and Business Performance



brittany victoria

What if I told you that the negative thoughts or self-limiting beliefs that you may have, are not actually yours?

In this article, I will discuss subconscious programming and how it can be reprogrammed in a way that allows you to reach your greatest potential. I will also provide tips on how you can integrate this information as a leader within the workplace.

The subconscious mind is shaped before we begin forming our own conscious thoughts, and these conscious thoughts are influenced by the subconscious mind. This means that even the thoughts that you’re consciously having, are merely an extension of that pre-existing conditioning. 

When something becomes deeply ingrained within your mind through repetition, and there are other supporting thoughts that reinforce it, you will identify this information as your truth. These repeated thoughts become beliefs, and your actions will align to support and validate these beliefs.

The Importance of Observing Your Thoughts

If you continuously tell yourself that you aren’t capable or good enough, how likely are you to put in the effort to challenge this narrative? If you’ve always been a procrastinator and tell yourself that you always will be, you’re going to continue procrastinating. If you run into an obstacle and don’t believe you can overcome it, you’re not going to look for solutions or try your best to resolve it.

It’s extremely important for you to become an observer of your thoughts and understand the impacts of how those thoughts can impact your life, relationships, and overall outlook on life.

Here are some questions to help guide you:

– What are your recurring negative thoughts, and how are they impacting your performance and relationships? 

– How have these thoughts held you back from achieving your goals and living the life that you’ve always dreamed of? 

– What have these thoughts already cost you and what else will they cost you if they don’t change?

Societal conditioning, influenced by a lower level of collective consciousness, has made the experience of debilitating thoughts highly prevalent. It’s not your fault that you have them, but it is your responsibility to change them and choose better ones.

The Subconscious Must Be Reprogrammed 

Reprogramming the subconscious involves positive affirmations, visualization, and consistent repetition to replace negative beliefs with positive ones. You have to become aware of the thoughts that make you feel bad and do not serve your best interest.

What are the growth-oriented thoughts that would you rather have instead? Any time that a debilitating thought crosses your mind, always correct it with new thought that uplifts, encourages and empowers you. Be consistent, be patient and understand that your logical mind will not make this process easy for you at first.

Being Delusional vs. Consciously Creating a Better Reality for Yourself 

By definition, the term delusional means “holding false beliefs or judgments about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary”. When you have held onto debilitating beliefs for so long and your previous actions have served as evidence to confirm their truth, it is inevitable that your logical mind will deem your new thoughts as delusional. This is where embracing change tends to become most challenging, as it involves confronting this resistance with unwavering commitment. 


What you have to understand is that your former beliefs and former actions do not dictate your future, unless they remain the same. As the old beliefs become obsolete and new beliefs take their place, there will also be new aligned actions that produce different results, and this will serve as evidence to support your new truth. That being said, the most delusional thing that anyone can do is elect to keep an unfavorable mindset that was programmed for them by external factors and willingly relinquish their own personal power as a result of it.

Success is Fundamentally Rooted in the Mindset

How we show up for ourselves and others, communicate with employees, and perform in business are deeply connected to our mindset and everything that has shaped it. Let’s delve into these interconnected aspects and explore five transformative tips that will catalyze positive change in the workplace. 


A growth-oriented mindset encourages resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace challenges. On the other hand, a fixed mindset hinders progress and limits potential.

Tip 1: Embrace a Growth Mindset

  • Establish the belief that abilities can be developed.
  • View challenges as opportunities for learning and improvement.
  • Cultivate a positive attitude toward continuous growth and development.

Unpacking Trauma and Navigating the Impact

Unresolved trauma can cast a long shadow over our personal and professional lives. It shapes our reactions, influences decision-making, and impacts our interactions with others. Acknowledging and addressing trauma is essential for creating a healthier, more productive work environment.


Tip 2: Prioritize Trauma-Informed Leadership

  • Cultivate empathy and understanding for individual experiences.
  • Provide a safe space for open communication about trauma.
  • Implement support systems and resources for employees dealing with trauma.


Elevate Relationships and Sales Performance

To enhance relationships, communication, and sales performance, a holistic approach that intertwines mindset and trauma-informed practices is key.


Tip 3: Implement Empathy-Driven Communication

  • Train teams in active listening and empathetic communication.
  • Create an environment where open dialogue is encouraged.
  • Recognize and validate diverse perspectives, creating a culture of inclusivity.

Tip 4: Invest in Professional Development

  • Offer continuous learning opportunities for employees.
  • Develop leadership skills to enhance communication and relationship-building.
  • Prioritize sales training programs that align with evolving market dynamics.

Tip 5: Maintain a Positive Work Culture

  • Create a workplace where employees feel valued and appreciated.
  • Implement recognition programs to celebrate achievements.
  • Encourage a balance between professional and personal well-being.

By embracing a growth mindset, acknowledging and addressing trauma, and implementing empathetic, integrated strategies, individuals and organizations can create a transformative ripple effect. In this interconnected web of personal and professional growth, how we show up truly matters, influencing the outcomes we achieve and the impact we leave on those around us.


Enjoy the Journey 

As you embark on the empowering journey of subconscious reprogramming, remember that change takes time, and self-compassion is your greatest ally. Surround yourself with positive influences, whether it be supportive friends, inspirational books, or mindfulness practices. Seek guidance from mentors who have walked a similar path and found success in reshaping their mindset. Embrace the discomfort that may arise during this process, for it signifies the shedding of old layers to make way for the new. Reflect on your progress regularly, celebrating even the smallest victories, and be patient with yourself as you navigate the intricacies of transformation. 

In the spirit of rewriting your narrative, I encourage you to take the first step today. Commit to a daily practice of positive affirmations, visualize your desired reality, and consistently challenge self-limiting beliefs. If you would like support along the way, consider joining like-minded communities, Facebook groups, and curate your social media to reflect these new changes you want to embody.

Remember, thoughts become actions, and actions reinforce beliefs. It’s never too late to embark on an empowering journey to reprogram your mind, and achieve the life you have always dreamed of!

For more tips and strategies on how to improve your mindset, follow me at @bigdivineenergy.

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