[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_custom_heading text=”This Is Your Year!!” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:46|text_align:center|color:%230a0a0a” google_fonts=”font_family:PT%20Serif%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700%2C700italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_empty_space height=”32px”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text][ytp_video source=”mfhkcYo97bY”][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]
31 Days Straight of Morning Motivation for YOU!
Why? Because they didn’t have the right strategies or game plan to stick to their goals, with no one to hold them accountable, so they’re left to fizzle out within the first few days of getting started.
If you’re sick of living your life stuck in first gear and you’re ready to – Take it to the next level, transform your life this year, and kickstart your day with fresh motivation then this is for you!
IMAGINE starting your day for the next 31 days with a motivational pep talk to prepare you for success.
IMAGINE The power you’d have behind you, the Increase of productivity, the Influence you’d have on others.
It’d be pretty amazing right?
If you’ve been following the Addicted2Success journey closely, you’d know that we have reached over 53 million views world wide over the last 4 years, I have personally been coaching 100’s of next level entrepreneurs each and every week and during my adventures of business growth and success I’ve been blessed to train with, and interview some of the top names in Self Development:
Richard Bandler, Tony Robbins, Gary Vaynerchuk, Tai Lopez, Prince EA, Jairek Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Robert Kiyosaki, Grant Cardone, Vishen Lakhiani, David Wood, Joe Dispenza, Simon Sinek….
And the list goes on…
So Imagine plugging into my mind and downloading 30 exclusive calls worth of experiences, information and lessons I have gained through years of learning, content creation, mentorship, and hard spent dollars I have invested in learning self development from the best. For just $59 or even $29, would that be a life changing investment for you?
You can instantly save tens of thousands of dollars and years of training by the knowledge you can gain from these calls and the recordings. It’s a no brainer! For the price and the amount of content, I can guarantee that you won’t find value like this from anyone out there. I am confident of that!
Now a number of you may read a book or two a year, go to an event or checkout picture quotes once in a while.
But I’m sorry to break it to you….You need something more SOLID than that!
I’m talking:
– Accountability
– Mastermind Groups
– Daily Motivation
– An Action Plan
– The Tools to Cast Your Vision
– Meetups with like minded people
Now, if you’re an entrepreneur or an aspiring entrepreneur, right about now you are probably experiencing a disconnection inside your social groups, and maybe even in your family. Having non-ambitious people around you with no goals, plans or dreams, leaves you having to work this success thing out, all on your own.
If this is you? Stuck in social circles, wondering if you are ever going to meet likeminded people, then I know how it feels, I WAS in the same boat as you.
And it’s true when they say:
“Good company determines the altitude of your success”
The more I learned about success; not only from those who have already achieved it before but are actually killing it financially, mentally and physically right now. My world absolutely changed and transformed into freedom with endless possibilities.
I became excited and passionate about the idea of passing the good knowledge on to others.
And ever since I have got to say, the transformations have been Epic!
A number of my clients have left their day jobs, they are travelling the world, have grown communities in the 100’s of thousands to millions online, have created successful startups that have raised millions and a lot of others have even been promoted to higher paying positions as they learned the key ingredients to what was missing in their plan for success.
And this all comes down to the simple reason that they all wanted success, but they just didn’t know how to achieve it. I believe every one needs a strategy, and needs to immerse themselves into some sort of habit based learning so they can stay crushing it when they walk out the door.
And, that’s why, this year, I am fixed on bringing like minded people together, but more about that in a second…..
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Best-Selling Author, Founder of Profit.ly & Self-Made Multi-Millionaire Trader
“Joel is a great interviewer and has collected A TON of useful information no entrepreneur can afford to ignore. The key to future success is in relentlessly studying the past and present of success, Joel fully understands this and deserves recognition for his tireless educational efforts.”
[/td_text_with_title][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][td_text_with_title custom_title=”Farrah Gray” header_color=”#efefef” header_text_color=”#282828″]
Celebrity Entrepreneur, International Best Selling Author & Philanthropist
“Joel is an inspiring individual who breathes life into the self development industry and online world. His dedication and persistence to inspire others has caught the attention of 10’s of millions world wide. He is a valuable connection to have in your network.”
[/td_text_with_title][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][td_text_with_title custom_title=”Brian Horn” header_color=”#efefef” header_text_color=”#232323″]
Best Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor, and Co-Host of The Authority Alchemy Show
“Joel is the authority of how to create compelling and highly viral content…then build a profitable business around it. He’s an artist and a mad scientist that has a unique ability and passion to share his strategy with people of any skill level.”
[/td_text_with_title][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]I have had endless amounts of people reaching out to me lately; asking if I can mentor them, and the truth is, I wish I had all the time and energy to fulfil each and every request. But it’s just not humanly possible.
And that’s why I’ve decided to come up with something that I wish I had for “myself” years and years ago so that I could have fast tracked my success a little sooner.
So starting from the 1st of March 2015.
I am inviting you to join me on the Morning Motivation Call.
This call is a sure fire way to kickstart your day with massive momentum so you can achieve your goals at the highest level.
For all who are part of this group of game changers and dream chasers. The call will be every morning with myself and YOU, of course, and I’ll be introducing 1 high profile guest to share the call with me on the show each week (which is, in total 4 guests for the month), to LIGHT UP your day and TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE!
So for The Gold Member, It’s $29 for the whole 31 days for the month of March, which is less than a dollar a day to be a part of this new and exclusive call every morning.
NOW! If you want access to the full downloadable collection of every single call, then you’ll want to be a part of The Elite Member Package! Which also gives you access to the Private online group as an Exclusive Member where you can connect with all the other members, and share your insights, gains and collaborate, then it’s just $59 for the whole 31 days, that’s less than $2 a day for 3X the value.
Elite Members Will Receive Downloads of Every Missed Call
I will also be holding international meetups around the world with exclusive invites just for the Elite Members when I travel from country to country so we can connect in person, on and offline.
I will also be holding international meetups around the world with exclusive invites just for the Elite Members when I travel from country to country so we can connect in person, on and offline.
Go Ahead and Click one of the packages below to order, before we close this month out!
VALUED AT $2,500+
Once you have purchased either one of these packages, we will send you your unique call in number and PIN so you can access the calls every morning.
If you are an Elite Member we will add you to the online group of dream chasers and VIP’s.
Each day I’ll be on the LIVE conference calls every Morning at:
– Pacific & Eastern Time US: 8AM
– Sydney Time AUS: 8AM
If you aren’t in any of these time zones and you think you may miss some of them, don’t stress, I will be uploading the calls for all the Elite Members at the end of each day so make sure you sign up for the Elite Package.
We are starting out at this price for the month of March.
So don’t miss out on being part of this introductory offer before the prices go up and the group takes off without you!
This is your Year! And I’m looking forward to helping you CRUSH IT!!!!!
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