A number of us find great inspiration from well known athletes and sports coaches. Their quotes will be shared through various mediums, decades before, and decades...
You are probably not satisfied with your job. You want to be successful and you feel that this can only happen if you draw up a...
People tend to label themselves as an ‘Entrepreneur‘ so freely nowadays, but how do you know if you are really an entrepreneur? Well this nicely designed...
Indian-American Serial Entrepreneur Gurbaksh Chahal had founded and sold two advertising companies for a total of US $340 million by the age of 25.
Maybe you see Will Smith as just some awesome guy with an arsenal of talents. He can rap and act, he’s charismatic and cool. Will has an...
Steve Jobs shares his timeless advice about following your dreams and the importance of never giving up, no matter what life may throw at you.
This inspirational video is for anyone who is in pursuit of a more successful and wealthy lifestyle. With words of inspiration by Will Smith, Steve Jobs, Donald...